2020年经济学人 也门战争(2)(在线收听

Saudi Arabia does not want anything to upset its hosting of the g20 summit in November. So Prince Muhammad hopes to disengage and lock the Houthis inside Yemen, much as Israel does with Hamas, a Palestinian militant group, in Gaza.


But the Houthis sense Prince Muhammad's desperation and want a better deal. They rejected the ceasefire, while putting forward their own peace plan. It demands that Saudi Arabia lift its air and sea blockade of Yemen, pay reparations for the damage it has caused (as well as ten years of government salaries) and recognise the Houthis as the legitimate government. If the Saudis do not agree, the Houthis promise "a major escalation inside the kingdom". Analysts think they are planning a ground assault on Najran, a city in southern Saudi Arabia with a largely Shia population (albeit of a different strain from that of the Houthis).


The Houthis are already pushing deeper into the Yemeni provinces on the border with Saudi Arabia. They have made gains in Jawf and are fighting in the crags above Marib, an oil-and-gas hub. Control of Marib would not only hand the Houthis valuable resources; it would also make it harder for the government and allied tribes to wage war. Government-aligned forces use bases in Marib city to launch air and ground attacks in the north. The city sits on a road linking Saudi Arabia to the Indian Ocean and its anti-Houthi allies in the south. Marib would bring the Houthis closer to the main Saudi crossing at Wadiah, the airport in Seiyun and the border with Oman.


Mr Hadi has had to move some of his ragtag army from the north to deal with separatists and jihadists in the south. That leaves Marib largely in the hands of Sunni tribes that support Islah, an Islamist movement. Many fiercely oppose the Houthis, fearing they will try to revive the country's ancient Shia imamate. But they also worry that Prince Muhammad might soon withdraw. Some therefore think that they should follow the lead of the tribesmen in Jawf who negotiated with the Houthis and helped them push into the province. Hanging over all of this is the threat of covid-19. The war has knocked out half of Yemen's clinics and hospitals. Over three quarters of its 28m people need some kind of humanitarian aid. An outbreak of cholera last year was one of the world's worst, says the un. An outbreak of covid-19 could be even deadlier.

