看绯闻女孩学英语 40(在线收听

Gossip girl:Hey, upper east siders, gossip girl here, and I have the biggest news ever.


One of my sources, Melanie91, sends us this... spotted at grand central, bags in hand... Serena van Der Woodsen.

我的一个线人Melanie91发来了Serena van der woodsen在中央车站,拎着包。

Was it only a year ago our "it" girl mysteriously disappeared for quote boarding school?


And just as suddenly, she’s back. Don't believe me? See for yourselves.


Lucky for us, Melanie91 sent proof.


Than you for photos, Mel.



1.Hey, upper east siders, gossip girl here.

点拨:这里的side是“behaviour showing that one thinks one is better than others; arrogance”的意思,译为“自大”“傲慢”。这是美国旧时候的口头用语言,非正式书面用语。Upper是“上层的”的意思。

剧情领悟:upper east sider就是指“曼哈顿东区的上层社会的自大傲慢的人”,也开始说为“富贵闲人”。

2.I have the biggest news ever.

点拨:big在这里是“important”(重大的,重要的)的意思。例如:I made a big decision to go back to my farm instead of the city.(我做出了个重大的决定会到我的农场工作,不在城市工作了。)

剧情领悟:have the biggest news意思就是“有最劲爆的新闻”“有最重要的新闻”。这里体现出了绯闻女孩的重要性,体现出来她的工作性质。

3.One of my sources, Melanie91, sends us this... spotted at grand central, bags in hand... Serena van Der Woodsen.

点拨1:source是“来源,出处”的意思,在这里可以理解为绯闻女孩的“消息,新闻的提供者”。Spot是“认出”的意思。Send sb sth意思发送什么东西给某人。例如:Please send your e-mail to me.(请把你的邮件发送给我。)

剧情领悟:spotted at grand central意思是Serena在中央车站被绯闻女孩的一号线人Melanie认出来,然后Melanie用手机将Serena拍摄下来群发给曼哈顿东区的富贵闲人。Serena van Der Woodsen是贯穿这部美剧的一重要角色。

点拨2:in hand是个固定短语,意思是“在手中”。例如:The infernal little brute started going all over the house revolver in hand.(这个凶恶的小畜生握着枪开始满屋子跑。)这个手上是指身体部位,那么“在手中”还可以指“手上所有”(多指经济状况或工作状况。)例如:I am lacking of money in hand.(我手头缺钱用。)I have enough data in hand.


4.Was it only a year ago our "it" girl mysteriously disappeared for quote boarding school?

点拨1:disappear for在这里是“消失去哪儿”的意思。例如:My mother disappeared for a wild county to live.(我的妈妈消失了,去了一个荒野的乡村生活。)

点拨2:quote是“引用”的意思。在这里可以理解为“为人们所言的”,相当于“people are quoted as saying”。例如:She is quoted as saying she disagrees with the decision. 用她的话说,,她不同意这一决定。

点拨3:boarding school是指供膳宿的学校。

5.And just as suddenly, she’s back.

点拨:just as是个固定短语,意思是“同样地”“正如”的意思。例如:Don't touch it, leave it just as it is now. (别碰它,让它保持原样。)

剧情领悟:Just as suddenly意思就是“同样地,突然间”。 因为Serena是突然消失,现在又是突然出现,这两种情况都在时间上都具有共性,就是“突然性”,所以这里用just as。

5.See for yourselves.

点拨:see for oneself是个固定短语,意思是“某人亲眼去看,某人自己去看”。例如:I urge you to go and see for yourselves how much China has done in this respect.(我恳请你们到中国来,亲身体验中国在这方面所做的工作。)

6.Lucky for us, Melanie91 sent proof.

点拨:lucky for sb意思“某人很幸运”。例如:It is luck for us to catch the train.(我们很幸运赶上了火车。)
