看绯闻女孩学英语 67(在线收听


Dan:Do I look okay?


Jenny:Definitely second-shot material.


Dan:All right, then I'm gonna go. Oh, um, and about what happened,

行了 我走了哦 呃 发生的那些

you know, with, uh, Chuck?

你知道 你跟Chuck

If you wanna like talk to someone,n-not your brother--just let me know.

如果你愿意和谁谈谈不是你老哥 反正告诉我一声就行


Dan:Yeah, I'll...all right.


Jenny:Hey, uh, wait.Actually, there is someone I wanna talk to.

嘿 等等其实 我是想跟人谈谈

Rufus:Hey, hey, where you guys going?I was gonna make waffles.

嘿 嘿 你们要上哪儿我正要做威化饼呢

Dan:Sorry, dad.

不好意思 老爸

Jenny: Yeah, can't.

对 我们得走

Rufus:But I wanna hear about your date.




Rufus:And your party.


Jenny:When we get back.


Rufus:You guys missed a really great showand I make really good waffles.



1.Do I look okay?


第一、它作为形容词或副词,有“好,不错”的意思。英文解释为“all right; satisfactory or satisfactorily”。例如:

I hope the children are okay.(希望孩子们都好。)

I think I did OK in the exam.(我认为我考得不错。)

第二、它作为语气词,有“好的,是, 行”的意思。英文解释为“all right; yes”。例如:

——Will you help me? ——OK, I will. (——你来帮帮我好吗? ——好, 我来帮你。)

Okay, children, we'll clear up the room now. (好啦,孩子们,咱们现在打扫房间吧。)

第三、它可以做为动词,是“同意,认可”的意思。英文解释为“agree to (sth); approve of”。例如:

He okayed my idea./He OK'd my idea. (他同意我的主意。)

第四,它可以作为名词,是“同意,允许”的意思。英文解释为“agreement; permission”。例如:

Have they given you their okay? (他们准许你了吗?)

We've got the OK from the council at last.(我们终于获得了委员会的同意。)

2.Definitely second-shot material.

口语词汇点拨:definitely是副词,意思是“当然地,肯定地”,英文解释为“a way of emphasizing that sth is true and that there is no doubt about it”。例如:

I definitely remember sending the letter.(我当然记得要寄信件。)

——Was it what you expected? ——Yes, definitely.(——这是所期望的吗?——是的,当然是。)

3.Oh, um, and about what happened, you know, with, uh, Chuck?

文法点拨:about是介词,后面跟的是宾语从句,宾语从句是what happened with Chuck,而you know是作为插入语,uh是语气词,也是作为插入语。

词语点拨:happen with somebody意思“和某人发生......”,句中what happened with Chuck意思是“和Chuck发生的事情。”例如:

4.If you wanna like talk to someone, n-not your brother--just let me know.

短语点拨:talk to意思是“和某人谈话”。如果表示和某人谈论什么事情,这个短语的结构为talk to sb about sth。例如:

I need to talk to your parents about your study.(我得和你的父母谈谈你的学习问题。)

5.Actually, there is someone I wanna talk to.

文法点拨:I wanna talk to是定语从句,其修饰的先行词是不定代词someone,这个先行词在定语从句中做talk to这个介词的宾语。因为修饰的是不定代词,在who, whom, that中可以选择的关系代词是“that”,不能用wich。但是如果将介词to放于先行词someone的前面,那么关系代词就要选择whom,即:about whom I want talk。

6.I was gonna make waffles.

方言点拨:was gonna相当于标准书面英语的was going to。

词语点拨:make的基本意思是“制造”。作为这个意思,用法比较灵活。make waffles是指“做威化饼”,其具体的意思是“制作”。用于不同的场景来看其具体意思。例如:

She make us all coffee./She made coffee for us all。(她给我们大家冲了咖啡。)

7.But I wanna hear about your date.

方言点拨:wanna相当于标准书面用语的want to。

短语点拨:hear about意思是“听说关于......的情况”。例如:

I was sorry to hear about your illness.(听说你病了,我很难过。)

What's this business I hear about you losing your job? (听说你丢掉了工作, 究竟是怎么回事? )

You will hear about this (ie will receive a formal rebuke about it) later. 这件事你就等瞧吧(要受到严厉斥责)!

8.When we get back.

短语点拨:get back意思是“回来”。这个“回来”可以指“回到某件事情上”,也可以指“离开某个地方过后又回到原处”,基于这个基本意思,还有引申义为“恢复”。例如:

Barbara will man the telephone switchboard till we get back.(我们回来前由巴巴拉管理电话总机。)

Time presses and we must get back to work.(时间紧迫,我们得回去上班了。)

I think you are getting off the subject. Could we get back to the main point, please?(我觉得你跑题了。我们能不能回到主题上来?)

Later an operation helped her to get back part of her sight. (后来,动了一次手术使她恢复了部分视力。)

Oh, um, and about what happened,you know, with, uh, Chuck?
