看绯闻女孩学英语 83(在线收听


Serena: Dan! Dan, wait. I'm so sorry.


Dan: There's no... there's no need to be.


Really, I shouldn't have come here today.


I made a mistake.


Serena: No, you didn’t.


Look, I'm sorry about Blair and Chuck.


Dan: It's not about Blair or Chuck.


I mean it is, but it's... it's not just them.

是他们挑起的, 但问题不单在他们身上。

Serena: No, I know. Trust me, I know.


This world... it... it's crazy.


Dan: Yeah,, it... it is... and you're a part of it.


Serena: What? And you didn't know that?


Dan: I don't know. I... I thought you were different.


Serena: Well, I'm sorry I'm not who you thought I was,


but what's happened is in the past,


you know, and all I can do is try to change.


But if you can't accept that, then,

如果你无法接受这些, 那,

you know, you're not who I thought you were.


Well, I guess we both made mistakes.


1. There's no... there's no need to be.

口语句型精解:There is no need to do something. 可以视为一个口语句型,意思是“没有必要做某事。”相当于:It is unnecessary to do something。我们再来看2个例句:

I think there is no need to worry about the university.(我看没必要为大学发愁吧。)

There is no need to immerge further into this topic.(我们无须对这题目作更深入的探讨。)

2. Really, I shouldn't have come here today. I made a mistake.

语法精解:这句话使用了虚拟语气,我们可以看到谓语结构是should have come,是情态动词should的虚拟语气用法,come是动词come的过去分词,那么should have done something表示在过去本不应该做某事。

看剧情学语法:剧情中,我们可以看到Dan在得知Serena不在早午餐的餐厅的时间是到了Chuck的房间等待曾经与之发生过性关系的Nate。而且这件事情事先Dan毫不知情,Blair由于爱情的妒忌和对Serena的报复,Chuck由于被Dan打之后而对Dan的厌恶和鄙视其地位低下,两者都在嘲讽Dan,使得Dan大发雷霆。这时候他“已经参加”了早午餐了,参加早午餐的事情发生在“上述事情”之前,表现出了“时间”是在“过去”,所以这里用“should not have come”这个谓语结构。

3. Look, I'm sorry about Blair and Chuck.

短语精解:be sorry about是形容词短语,sorry是形容词,意思是“抱歉的”,about是介词,在这里的意思是“由于,因为”,表示原因。因此,be sorry about的意思是“由于......而表示或感到抱歉”。那么,介词about后面可以接somebody,也可以接something也可以接从句,还可以接时间。我们来看下面的例句:

I'm sorry about Monday.(对星期一的事我感到后悔。)

Sorry about today-making you eat by yourself.(今天对不住你,让你一个人吃饭。)

I'm sorry about my poor memory.(对不起,我的记性真差。)

Aren' t you sorry about what you' ve done ? (你难道不为自己做的事情感到惭愧吗?)

I'm sorry about Zadak.(扎达克的事真让我难过。)

I'm so sorry about your brother.(我很难过听到有关您兄弟的事情。)

剧情领悟词语:剧情中我们可以看到Dan受尽了Blair和Chuck的侮辱,大发雷霆后走了,Serena紧跟其后,说了sorry about Blair and Chuck,意思是说“对Blair和Chuck对他的侮辱表示歉意”。

3. Yeah,, it... it is... and you're a part of it.

短语精解:a part of是名词性短语,part是部分的意思,of是介词,它表示“所属性”,短语的意思是“......中的一部分”。我们再来看2个例句:

He gave away a part of his income to his needy friends.(他把收入的一部分送给经济困难的朋友们。)

We spent a part of our holiday in France,and a part in Germany.(我们的假期一部分在法国度过,一部分在德国度过。)

4. ......but what's happened is in the past you know, and all I can do is , try to change.

短语精解:in the past是表示时间的介词短语,意思是“在过去”。我们再来看2个例句:

These are lessons drawn from our set backs in the past.(这些是我们吃了苦头总结出来的经验。)

Many children died with smallpox in the past.(过去有许多孩子死于天花。)

语法精解:all I can do中的I can do是定语从句,修饰前面的先行词all,all又是不定代词,在定语从句总宾语,那么要用关系代词that,不能用which。由于all在定语从句中做宾语,关系代词是可以省略的。
