看绯闻女孩学英语 93(在线收听

Mr Tedrow:Excuse me.



Dan:Hey! You get the one you wanted?

嘿 你争取到希望的大学了吗

Dan:No. No. Actually you did, which makes total sense

没有 没有 没有实际上被你得到了 这相当合理

because I'm second in our class and you're somewhere around.

因为我是班级第二名 而你则徘徊在某些名次上

What, I don't know, uh, last?

什么 我不请出你说什么 呃 是最后一名

Nate:No hard feelings, huh?

真不是滋味 对吧

Dan:Why should there be?


I mean, how many libraries has your dad had to endow to get you this spot?


You've earned it.


Nate:Look, man, you don't know anything about my family.

听着 伙计 你对我的家庭一无所知

Dan:I'm sorry. You’re right. You’re right.

很抱歉 你是对的 你是对的

I'm sure J.L. Hall will be very impressed with your passion for the Dartmouth experience.

我肯定你会给J.L. Hall会对你对Dartmouth生活体验的激情留下深刻印象的

Nate:Who the hell is J.L.Hall?

J.L. Hall是谁

Dan:He's the ivy rep.


You might want to pick up his book if you want anything to talk about.


The petting Zoo, that's the name of his book.

《儿童爱畜动物园》 这是他的著作名

1.Actually you did, which makes total sense because I'm second in our class and you're somewhere around.

短语精解:make sense在这里的意思是“言之有理,讲得通,说得有道理”。短语中的动词make是“做”的意思,sense是“道理”“意义”的意思。

台词中在名词sense前加了修饰词total,make total sense的意思是“完全有理”。

make sense还有“有意义”的意思。如果在这个短语的后面用上介词of的话,即“make sense of something”,它的意思就是“明白,理解......的意思或意义”。例如:

I can' t follow these instructions——they don' t make sense. 我不会照着这些指示做的,因为它们根本就讲不通嘛。

His argument does not make sense. 他的争论没有意义。

We read it through, but could not make sense of it. 我们看了一遍,但不明白它说些什么。

句型点拨:“Sb. is +序数词+in one’s class.”这个句子表示“某人在班上学习成绩排名第几”。

2.——No hard feelings, huh? ——Why should there be?

词汇理解:hard的基本意是“艰难的”,这里可以理解为“难受的”,feeling作为“感情”这个意思解时,是可数名词,hard feelings的意思是“难受的感情”“不平衡的心理”。

句意理解:“No hard feelings?”这句话在这里是作为反问句,意思“你心里不难受吗?”“你心里不平衡吗?”在句中,Nate被选为的接待生,而Dan却落选,Nate就讽刺Dan说了这句话。

语法点拨:“Why should there be?”这是一个省略句,这句话是Dan紧接着Nate的话说的,那么完整的句子是“Why should I there are hard feelings?”(我为何心里该不平衡呢?)

3.I mean, how many libraries has your dad had to endow to get you this spot? You've earned it.

词汇精解:endow在这里是及物动词,意思是“资助,捐赠”,其英文解释为“to give a large sum of money to a school, a college or another institution to provide it with an income”。表示“资助多少钱”,那么要和介词with连用,即:endow with。例如:

She both built and endowed the hospital. 她不仅建了医院还给医院捐赠资金。

He endowed the hospital with a large fortune. 他捐赠一笔巨款给这家医院。

短语结构精解:get sb. this spot这个短语的结构为get+somebody+something,其意思是“使某人得到某物”。短语中的get是使役动词,是“让,使”的意思,something是做宾语somebody的补足语,说明宾语的情况。短语中的spot是“职位”的意思。


4.Look, man, you don't know anything about my family.


短语回顾:know about是“知晓,了解”的意思,与之相关的如下2个短语:know nothing about,其意思是“对......一概不知”,know much about,其意思是“对......知之甚多”。

5.I'm sure J.L. Hall will be very impressed with your passion for the Dartmouth experience.

短语精解:be impressed with是一个固定搭配的短语,意思是“对......留下深刻的印象”或者是“......给某人留下深刻的印象”。例如:

We were deeply impressed with this sight. 这风景给我留下了深刻的印象。

They were rather impressed with her. 她给他们的印象相当不错。

6.You might want to pick up his book if you want anything to talk about.

短语精解:pick是“捡起”的意思,up是副词,有“上”的意思,那么pick up就是“拿起”的意思,台词中的pick up his book的意思是“拿起他的书”。再如:

He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head. 他从地板上捡起帽子,重新戴在头上。
