英语新闻听写 日本男子夜闯福利院 杀害19名残疾人(在线收听

According to authorities, a knife-wielding man broke into a facility for the disabled in a small town near Tokyo early on Tuesday and killed 19 patients.


At least 25 other residents were wounded in the attack at the Tsukui Yamayuri-En facility for mentally and physically disabled in the town of Sagamihara, which is about 25 miles southwest of Toyko.

另有25人在袭击中受伤,地点位于东京西南部约25英里的相模原市Tsukui Yamayuri-En精神与身体残疾福利院。

The suspect is reportedly a 26-year-old former employee of the facility named Satoshi Uematsu who gave himself up to police after the attack.

据报道,嫌疑人是26岁的福利院前员工Satoshi Uematsu,袭击后向警方自首。

Source say Uematsu lived near the facility with neighbors describing him as often "polite."

