VOA常速英语2020 白宫不承认CDC报告的数据(在线收听

The White House is downplaying a U.S. government report projecting a near doubling of COVID-19 daily deaths in the United States by June 1.


White House spokesman Judd Deere took issue Monday with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that also forecasts about 200,000 new coronavirus cases each day by the end of the month. That's up from 25,000 cases now.


The information is based on government modeling pulled together in chart form by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and published Monday by The New York Times.


In a statement Monday, Deere said it was not a "White House document nor has it been presented to the Coronavirus Task Force or gone through interagency vetting." The spokesman also said, "the health of the American people remains President Trump's top priority, and that will continue as we monitor if the efforts by states to ease restrictions."

在周一的一则声明中,迪尔表示这份报告并非“白宫文件,并未提交给过冠状病毒特遣部队,也没有经过跨部门审核。” 迪尔还表示,“美国人民的健康始终是特朗普总统的最大关切,在我们监督各州是否放松管制的时候也会秉持这一关切。”

The government report said the number of coronavirus fatalities could reach 3,000 a day in four weeks, up sharply from the current figure of about 1,750, according to The New York Times.


The United States has sought to combat the spread of the coronavirus for about seven weeks, but President Donald Trump has ended his stay-at-home directives that shut down much of the U.S. economy through April.

