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The world this week




Saudi Arabia and Russia ended their oil-price war, agreeing to a deal that will see oil-producing countries cut output by a record 9.7m barrels a day over the next two months, around 10% of global supply. There will be smaller cuts thereafter. The rally in oil markets that greeted the announcement soon faded, however. The International Energy Agency forecast that global demand for oil will fall by 9.3m barrels a day in 2020. This month “may go down as Black April in the history of the oil industry”, said the head of the agency.


In its direst warning yet about the effects of the pandemic, the IMF said that “the great lockdown” will result in the biggest economic downturn since the Depression. Assuming that COVID-19 and restrictions on daily life peak in the second quarter, the fund thinks global GDP will shrink by 3% this year, although advanced economies are expected to contract by an average 6.1%. If the crisis does not ease in the second half the world economy could shrink by a further 3%. The fund urged countries to continue with measures to slow the spread of the disease so that economic activity can resume.


The Federal Reserve took more unprecedented measures to prop up the American economy, announcing a series of programmes that will provide $2.3trn in credit and support to households, businesses and state and local governments. The central bank is backing up to $600bn in loans to small and mid-sized firms, which must demonstrate a “reasonable effort” to retain staff. The Fed surprised markets by expanding its interventions to include buying stakes in exchange-traded funds that own risky, high-yield debt.


Irrational exuberance


Stockmarkets continued to swing wildly. The s&p 500 had its best week since 1974 for the four days ending April 9th, rising by 12% (markets were closed on Good Friday).


At an emergency meeting South Africa’s central bank slashed its benchmark interest rate by another one percentage point, following a cut last month of the same size. The repo rate is now 4.25%, a record low. The move came after a further downgrade to credit ratings on South African debt, making it harder for the government to borrow.


The Asian Development Bank tripled the size of its aid package to member countries to $20bn. That includes some grants to governments to buy medical and personal protective equipment.


Retail sales in America fell by 8.7% in March compared with February, the biggest decline since the official run of data began three decades ago.


Releasing their first-quarter earnings, big banks in America revealed that they are putting billions aside to guard against an expected surge in loan defaults. JPMorgan Chase’s credit costs rose to $8.3bn in the quarter, for example, resulting in a sharp fall in net profit, to $2.9bn.

美国各大银行在发布第一季度财报时透露,他们准备拨出数十亿美元以防范预期的贷款违约激增。例如,摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)本季度的信贷成本升至83亿美元,导致净利润大幅下降至29亿美元。

America’s biggest airlines said they had agreed to the terms of a $25bn bail-out from the government. Under the deal dividends will be suspended. American Airlines is to receive a direct grant of $4.1bn, a low-interest loan of $1.7bn, and will apply for a separate $4.8bn loan from the Treasury.

美国最大的几家航空公司表示,他们已同意接受政府提供的250亿美元的纾困条款。根据协议,股息将暂停发放。美国航空公司(American Airlines)将获得41亿美元的直接拨款和17亿美元的低息贷款,并将额外从美国财政部申请48亿美元的贷款。

In response to the surge in online shopping Amazon is employing another 75,000 staff, on top of the 100,000 additional workers it hired recently. In Seattle Amazon sacked two activist employees for continuing to post claims on Twitter that conditions at its warehouses during the pandemic are unsafe. In France Amazon closed its warehouses for cleaning after a court said it should do more to protect staff.


Amazon’s share price hit new highs. It is up by a third since mid-March, giving the company a market value of $1.15trn.


Closing time


Forced to shut without much notice, Britain’s pub industry pondered what to do with an estimated 50m pints of beer lying undrunk in cellars. The rules have been relaxed on reclaiming tax for ullage, or wasted beer, so that the man from the brewery does not need to be present when it is disposed of, though social distancing is making it hard to lift the full kegs. With pubs closed, alcohol sales in supermarkets have soared.

