看绯闻女孩学英语 98(在线收听

Serena: I've been in these sessions every day for the last week,


but nothing is going to change unless she stops hiding him here

但是不会有所改善的 除非她不再把弟弟藏在这里

and lets him have his life back.


Lily: This is not called hiding, Serena. It's called recovery.

这不叫藏 Serena 这叫康复

Serena: Telling everyone he's staying with aunt Carol in Miami?


Lily: He's not ready.


Serena: He’s not, or you're not?


Woman: Okay, let's take a deep breath.

好吧 我们都深呼吸

It's good to see honest conversation.


Serena: What does she know about honesty?


Lily: Serena.


Woman: But I really think a decision like this includes Eric as well.


Eric: Oh, you mean I have a say in this? Thanks.

你是说我也有发言权 哇 谢谢

Lily: Eric, of course. We’re here for you.

Eric 这当然我们是为了你而来

Serena: Look, if you're ready to leave, you tell us, okay?

听我说 如果你做好了离开的准备 就说出来 好吗

No matter what mom says.


Eric: I would really like to get out of here.


1. I've been in these sessions every day for the last week, but nothing is going to change unless she stops hiding him here and lets him have his life back.

词汇精学:session是指“(进行某活动连续的)一段时间”,其英文解释为:single continuous period spent in one activity。它是可数名词,如果要表述“几段时间”就要用其复数。例如:

After several sessions at the gym, I feel a lot fitter. 我在健身房锻炼了几次以后, 觉得身体好多了。

台词中的 these sessions是指Serena在Eric住院期间在一天里旁听治疗的几次时间段,要表示“在......的时间段”,和介词in搭配,即台词中的in these sessions。

短语结构点拨:stop doing something中的stop 后面要用动词的动名词形式,表示“停止做一件事情”。再如:

The doctor told him to stop smoking, but it didn't make a dent. 医生让他停止抽烟,但没有引起注意。

当然也有stop to do something这个结构,它表示的意思是“停止做一件事情转而去做另外一件事情”。例如:

I didn' t stop to speak to him -- I merely smiled. 我没有停下来和他说话——我只是微微一笑。

实用口语:Nothing is going to change.(不会有任何变化。)

表述法:have one’s life back意思是“回到自己原来的生活”“重新拥有自己原来的生活”“(经历不好的事情后)又走入正轨”。再如:

It has been a struggle, but I finally have my life back. 这是一场斗争,但是最终我的生活又转入了正轨。

2. This is not called hiding, Serena. It's called recovery.

词汇精学:recovery的意思是“恢复正常状态(如康复或复兴); 复原”,其英文解释为:return to a normal state, eg. of health or prosperity。

与之相关的一个重要短语是:recovery from。例如:

make a quick, speedy, good, slow, etc recovery from illness 从疾病中很快﹑ 迅速﹑ 完全﹑ 缓慢...康复。

I am well on the way(road) to recovery. 我正在顺利恢复。

It shows the team's recovery from defeat. 这展示出这个队失败后重新振作了。

语法点拨:call sb/sth sb/sth这个结构的意思是“称呼某人或某物如何”。那么台词用的是被动语态,因此不要误认为hiding和recovery是宾语,它们都是“主语的补足语”。

3. Okay, let's take a deep breath.

短语点拨:take a deep breath意思是“深深吸口气”“深呼吸”。再如:

Take a deep breath and try to get a sense of the good things the future has to offer. 深吸一口气,设想一下未来会发生的好事情?

Take a deep breath, and then you may feel relaxed. 深深地吸一口气,那样你会觉得轻松的。


3. But I really think a decision like this includes Eric as well.

翻译点拨:like this翻译成中文时为“像那样”,不要翻成“像这样”,like that才是“像这样”。


短语精解:as well是副词性短语,意思是“也,同样”。再如:

If he winks at you,you may wink back as well. 如果他向你使眼色的话,你也可以使眼色以示回答。

与之相关的一个短语是as well as,它的意思同as well但是词性不同,它相当于一个连词。例如:

He composed mystery stories as well as love poems. 他既写爱情诗也写神秘故事。

3. Oh, you mean I have a say in this?

短语点拨:have a say in意思是“在......有发言权,在......有说话权”。再如:

We should all have a say in the running of our government. 我们大家在政府的管理这个问题上都应有发言权。

4. No matter what mom says.

语法点拨:no matter相当于一个连词,引导让步状语从句,意思是“无论,不管”。再如:

No matter who point out our shortcoming, we will correct them. 不管谁指出我们的缺点,我们都改正。

No matter what I do. I give it my best shot. 我不论做什么事,都竭尽全力。

5. I would really like to get out of here.

短语点拨:get out of是一个固定短语,在这里的意思是“离开”。Would like to do something意思是“想做某事,愿意做某事”再如:

He wanted to get out of town and get in a good walk. 他想离开城市好好地去远足一番。

You are welcome to any books you would like to borrow. 你想借什么书就随便借好了。
