看绯闻女孩学英语 105(在线收听

Dan: You wanna go to Yale then?


Serena: No, Brown. It's just this thing with Blair.

不我想进布朗大学 Blair想去耶鲁

Dan: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I get it.

哦 是啊 我明白了

I mean since you don't have to actually worry about getting into college,


why not make the entire evening about screwing over Blair?


Serena: No, thanks.

不用 谢谢

Hey. Wait, you're seriously not gonna talk to me?

嘿 等等 你真的不再搭理我了

Like, literally not speak?


Nate: Hey.

Serena: Oh, much better. Thanks, guys.

哦 好多了 真是谢谢你们了


1. It's just this thing with Blair.

句意理解:with在这句台词中的意思是“因为”,相当于“because of” , “as the result of”。例如:

His fingers were numb with cold. (他的手指给冻僵了。)

She blushed with embarrassment.(他难为情得脸红了。)

“this thing”是指代Serena不上耶鲁大学而上布朗大学的事情,it是知道“上大学的事情”。


2. I mean since you don't have to actually worry about getting into college,why not make the entire evening about screwing over Blair?

俚语点拨:screw over是美国俚语,它的意思是“欺骗”“让某人日子很难过”“严厉指责某人”。再如:

I don't whine about how the wealthy screw me over. 我不会为所谓的富人欺诈穷人而怨天尤人。

After working in the office for ten years, Alice was fired for no apparent reason. How can they screw her over like that?


If all you want is a successful business, you’ll screw people over to get it.如果你想要的全部是一桩成功的生意,你就会诈骗人们以达到目的。

短语点拨:worry about是“担心......,对......担忧”的意思,about是介词,意思是“因为”,在本句台词中about后面接的是动名词短语getting into college。再如:

Don't worry about being late. It's fine. 别为迟到担心了,没有关系。

短语理解:make some time about doing something意思是“利用某时做某事”。台词中的make the entire evening about screw over Blair中的make是“利用”的意思,about是“关于”的意思,因此整个短语的意思就是“利用整个晚上的时间来对付Blair”。

3. Like, literally not speak?

句意解析:这是个省略句,紧接着“you're seriously not gonna talk to me”而说的,那么完整的句子是You are seriously not gonna talk to me literally.(译文:你真的准备一个字也不跟我说。)

