看绯闻女孩学英语 120(在线收听

Dan: Hello?


Serena: How was the movie? Did I miss something amazing?

电影怎么样 我错过什么精彩的东西了吗

Dan: Well... Well, uh, even without the movie.


Serena: Don't be cocky. I’m calling you with a makeup plan.

别太过分 我是打电话想办法弥补一下

Dan: Oh, are you now?

哦 你现在是吗

Serena: I am. How would you like to see what really happens at a fashion shoot?

是的 你想看看时尚摄影拍摄实况吗

Dan: I'm sorry. This is... this is Dan Humphrey.

不好意思 这是Dan Humphrey

Are you sure you're not trying to reach my sister?


Serena: Look, I know it's a girl offer but chew on this— I'll be there.


Dan: Can I bet on that? Because law of averages says I lose my shirt.

真的吗 根据平均法则我会失去一切的

Serena: Oh, come on. It's Blair’s shoot, So I have to be there for moral support.

别这样 那是Blair的拍摄 我得给她精神支持

Dan: Blair? Well, I’m definitely not going now.

Blair 那我现在更坚定了不去了

Serena: Look, she’s really not as bad as you think.

听着 她真的没你想的那么坏

Besides, she’s gonna be so busy with the shoot

另外 她拍摄会很忙的

that you won't even have to see her,


And since it's so boring on the sidelines, you'll have my full attention.

另外我当陪客也很无聊 我就有时间跟你在一起了

Okay, what if I buy you anything you want from craft service?


Dan: I thought craft service was free.


Serena: I'll see you in the morning at 8:00.I'm texting you the address.

早上8点见 我把地址发给你

I'm hanging up before thou dost protest again.


Dan: Both feet, Humphrey.


Serena: How was the movie? Did I miss something amazing?

口语提炼:当我们表示关心别人询问别人的事业,工作或生活等如何,可以用这个句型:How is somebody ( or something )?再如:

How is he getting along with his studies? 他学习上进展如何?

By the way, how is your wife doing, Harrison? 顺便问一下,贵夫人近来可好吗?

词汇点拨:miss something amazing中的miss基本意思是“错过”,这里是指“没看到,没看见”。形容词amazing是修饰前面的不定代词something的。

Serena: Don't be cocky. I’m calling you with a makeup plan.

词汇精讲:cocky是个形容词,意思是“骄傲的, 自大的, 太过自信的”,其英文解释为:too confident about yourself in a way that annoys other people。这个词表示这个意思是非正式书面用语,通常用于口语中。再如:

John is too cocky and should be brought to his level. 约翰太高傲了,应该让他知道自量。

短语点拨:call sb with sth意思是“关于......而打电话”。台词中的call you with a makeup plan的意思“打电话给你是告诉你一个补偿的想法”。是再如:

I am holding my breath while getting a call with the results of the audition. 我屏息接听告知面试结果的电话。

Serena: How would you like to see what really happens at a fashion shoot?

口语提炼:表示征询别人做某事如何,可以用下面这个句型:How would you like to do something?再如:

How would you like to make the payment? 您准备如何付款?

短语点拨:at a shoot是指“在拍摄(现场)中”。

Dan: Are you sure you're not trying to reach my sister?

词汇精讲:reach在这里的意思是“打电话与某人取得联系”,其英文解释为:communicate with (sb) esp. by telephone。例如:

You can reach her at home on 0355-694162. 您拨0355-694162号码打电话到她家与她联系。

I can't reach him by phone/on the phone. 我打电话找不到他。

语法点拨:you're not trying to reach my sister是补语从句,补充说明sure的内容。

口语提炼:表示某人对某事非常肯定,可以用下面这个句型:Sb is sure ( that ) +从句

Dan: Can I bet on that? Because law of averages says I lose my shirt.

短语点拨:bet on是个固定搭配短语,意思是“为......下赌注”“在......上下赌注”,引申为“对某事确认,确定”的意思。台词中就是这个引申义。再如:

Don't bet on horse-races,you must lose in the long run. 不要赌赛马,你终究必输。

If you will bet on horse-races, you must not complain if you lose your money. 假如你一定要赌赛马,输了钱你就不要发牢骚。

Serena: Oh, come on. It's Blair’s shoot, So I have to be there for moral support.

词语理解:come on在这里的意思是“算了,别计较了。”因为Dan属于低阶层的贫民子弟,给Blair他们这些贵族子弟看不起,同样地,Dan也看不惯Blair他们那种傲慢的言语和举止,Serena就劝Dan和她一起去Blair的拍照现场去,不要因为有Blair在就不愿意和她约会了。

口语提炼:表示为了什么到某处可以用下面的句型:Sb is+somewhere for something.这里的somewhere如果是副词here,there的话,直接套用句型,如果是名词的话,就要用介词短语结构。例如:

I will be at the office for my left bag. 我到办公室来那我遗忘的包包。

Serena: Look, she’s really not as bad as you think. Besides, she’s gonna be so busy with the shoot that you won't even have to see her...

短语点拨:as...as... 的意思是“和......一样”,表示同级的比较。使用时要注意第一个as为副词,第二个as为连词。因此,第一个as的后面通常接形容词或副词,第二个as的后面接一个句子。台词中第一个as后面接的是形容词——bad,第二个as后面接的是一个简单句——you think。再如:

This film is as interesting as that one. 这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。

Your pen writes as smoothly as mine. 你的钢笔书写起来和我的一样流畅。

短语点拨:be busy with something意思是“忙于某事”,与之相关的一个短语同样表示这个意思的是be busy doing something。再如:

Get busy with your famous apple pie. 快做你拿手的苹果派吧。

She's busy with the organization of her daughter's party. 她正忙于筹划她女儿的聚会。

Serena: And since it's so boring on the sidelines, you'll have my full attention.

口语提炼:表示某人受到另一个人的时时注意,可以用到下面这个句子:Sb. has Sb.’s attention.

John has the police’s attention for a long time. 约翰受到警察的监视很久了。


He is so young that he cannot take care of his mother who is ill. 他太小了,不能照顾生病的妈妈。

Serena: Okay, what if I buy you anything you want from craft service?

口语提炼:表示问别人某事发生他将会起什么反应,可以用下面这个句型:What if+从句。再如:

What if anything should go wrong? 要是有个闪失怎么办呢?

What if I told you my girl has confessed everything? 要是我告诉你我女儿已经把一切都承认了,你又怎么办?

Serena: I'm hanging up before thou dost protest again.

短语点拨:hang up是指“放电话,挂电话(结束通话)”。再如:

Time's up. I have to hang up the receiver now. 时间到了,我必须挂断电话了。

Please hang up and we'll call you back. 请挂断,我们会打给你。

古文点拨:thou在旧时候用是指you,dost在旧时候是指“do not(don’t)”
