看绯闻女孩学英语 121(在线收听

Rufus: How was the movie?


Dan: Uh, missable... literally.

不知道 根本没看

I-I don't know about Serena, dad.

爸爸 我不了解Serena

I-I can't tell if she's worth it.


Rufus: What do you mean?


Dan: Well, uh, she's the best friends with this girl——Blair Waldorf,

她和这个Blair Waldorf是最好的朋友

who is basically everything I hate about the upper east side


distilled into one 95-pound, doe-eyed, bon mot tossing,

瘦的只有95磅 眼睛大的要死 疯疯癫癫

label-whoring package of girl evil.


Rufus: No one's that bad.


Dan: She is.


I would barely be exaggerating


if I told you Medusa wants her withering glare back.


Rufus: Well, if there's anything I have learned,


it's that usually there's something beneath the surface


with people like that to make them act the way they do.


Dan: Like what--the in her mimosa was from concentrate not fresh-squeezed,

比如 她含羞草汁里的橘子汁是浓缩的 不是新鲜的

Rufus: And... and what does this say about Serena,


Dan: That this is her best friend?


Rufus: I dated a girl like Serena once. Actually, a lot like Serena.

我和Serena这种女孩交往过 非常象Serena的女孩

And girls like that are challenging. It's true.

那种女孩很有挑战性 真的

They're complicated and enigmatic. And usually worth it.

他们很复杂 很神秘 却很值得和她们交往

And the only way you'll know for sure is to jump in with both feet.


Dan: What happened with you?


Rufus: I swam for a while till I drowned.

就好比我游了会泳 然后溺水了

Dan: Oh.Well,that... thanks. That’s a great story, dad.

好吧 谢谢,这是个不错的故事

Dan: Uh, missable... literally. I-I don't know about Serena, dad. I-I can't tell if she's worth it.

词汇点拨:literally用于口语中,意思是“差不多,简直”,起到加强语气的作用,tell在这里的意思是“判断,辨别”例如:I literally jumped out of my skin.

You can tell that he's angry when he starts shouting a lot. 他什么时候一大喊大叫,你就可以知道是生气了。

词语理解:missable是指“(高尔夫球)可能打不进穴的”。它的基本意思带有否定意义,所以在这里可以理解为“不知道”,相当于“have no idea”。

短语点拨:know about意思是“知晓,了解,知道关于......的情况”。再如:

I'd love to know about the plan. 我想知道这个计划。

口语提炼:表述做某事是值得的,有做的价值,可以用下面这个句型:Sb. ( sth )is worth doing something. 例如:

The book is worth reading. 这本书值得一读。

He felt that his life was no longer worth living. 他觉得他的生命已经没有再活下去的价值了。

Dan: Well, uh, she's the best friends with this girl, Blair Waldorf, who is basically everything I hate about the upper east side, distilled into one 95-pound, doe-eyed, bon not tossing, label-whoring package of girl evil.

词汇点拨:distill是动词,意思是“提炼,蒸馏”,在这里比喻“减肥”,distill into 95-pound的意思是“减肥减到体重只有95磅”。doe-eyed是个形容词,描述一个人的眼睛大大黑黑的。Toss是“摇动,摆动”,在这里指“(说话)爱搬弄是非”。

词汇精讲:bon mot是一个名词,它来自法国,意思是“珠玑妙语,隽语”,其英文解释为:witty saying or remark。这个词的复数形式是——dos mots。例如:They loved a bon mot or anecdote but despised gossip.

语法点拨:Blair Waldorf是做girl的同位语,说明girl的名字。

who is basically everything I hate about the upper east side是分隔式定语从句,修饰先行词girl。在这个定语从句中I hate about the upper east side又是一个定语从句,修饰先行词everything。

短语点拨:hate sth(or sb) about sb意思是“讨厌某人周围的一切”。再如:

When she saw that she could no longer dress her hair, she began to hate every one about her. 当她看见自己已不能再梳头时,她开始怨恨她四周的一切。

What do you hate most about Mary? 你对最讨厌Mary的地方是什么?

Rufus: No one's that bad.


Dan: I would barely be exaggerating if I told you Medusa wants her withering glare back.


语法点拨:这句话是非真实条件虚拟句,使用了虚拟语气,是对现在的事情的虚拟和假设,与现在的事情相反,所以主句和从句的谓语都用一般过去式。主句的谓语是:would barely be exaggerating,从句的谓语是told。

I would barely be exaggerating(注:事实上,现在你(Rufus)觉得我是夸张声势) if I told you Medusa wants her withering glare back.(注:事实上我(Dan)没有告诉其父亲(Rufus))Medusa这个妖女见到Blair他们这些贵族女孩都要后退。)


语法点拨:台词中的her withering glare back中whithering是形容词修饰名词back,whithering back是指畏缩的后退;glare是名词修饰名词back,glare back意思是“双眼怒视着的后退”;her是物主代词修饰名词back,her back意思是她的后退。

Rufus: Well, if there's anything I have learned, it's that usually there's something beneath the surface with people like that to make them act the way they do.


口语提炼:表示事物的背后有问题,有猫腻,有内容,我们可以用下面的这个句子:There is something beath the surface.

Rufus: And... and what does this say about Serena,

短语点拨:say bout的意思是“说......的事情”。使用时注意动词say的后面接something,介词about的后面可以接somebody,也可以接something。例如:

I do not care what you will say about me. 我不在乎你们会说我什么。

He doesn' t give two pins for what the critics say about his work. 他毫不在乎别人对他作品的批评。

Rufus: And the only way you'll know for sure is to jump in with both feet.

短语点拨:for sure是副词性短语,意思是“肯定地,确切地,当然地”等。再如:

No one knows for sure what happened to Bill. 没有人确切知道比尔出了什么事。

I don' t know the number for sure and I' ll look in the telephone book. 那个号码我知道得不确切,我在电话簿里查一下吧。

词语理解:jump in with two feet的基本意思是“用两腿跳进去”。这里指Rufus叫儿子Dan要知道自己问题的结果就只能自己冒险大胆地去实践,得到疑惑的答案,要亲身经历才会知道结果。

语法点拨:you'll know是定语从句,修饰先行词way。注意这里省略的关系代词是which,不是that。因为这个定语从句修饰的先行词有only这个形容词修饰,这样的话,引导词只能用which,不能用that。

Dan: What happened with you?

口语提炼:表示询问某人身上发生什么事情,可以用下面这个句型:What happens with sb.?

Rufus: I swam for a while till I drowned.

短语点拨:for a while是个固定短语,做时间状语用,意思是“一会儿”。再如:

Now that I am free, I can enjoy music for a while. 既然有空,我可以享受一下音乐。


I swam for a while意思就是指“Rufus在复杂的环境中体验要得到答案”,till I drowned的意思是“直到我被淹水淹了”,在这里的意思是“自己亲自体验做到自己不能做为止,要有勇气和毅力”。
