看绯闻女孩学英语 130(在线收听

Gossip girl: With Blair's boyfriend Nate helping to close up the family yacht for the season,


Blair is free to focus on the most important event of the fall—her annual sleepover, a tradition since the year 2000, each one more decadent than the last.No expense or reputation is spared.


With everything from trundle beds to truffles in place, all that's missing is sleepover star and Waldorf B.F.F. Serena Van Der Woodsen.

从手推床到松茸,一切都准备就绪时。所缺的就是借宿派对之星及Waldorf的死党,Serena Van Der Woodsen。


Gossip girl: With Blair's boyfriend Nate helping to close up the family yacht for the season, Blair is free to focus on the most important event of the fall—her annual sleepover, a tradition since the year 2000, each one more decadent than the last.

词汇精讲1:sleepover是名词,在《牛津词典》解释道:a party for children or young people when a group of them spend the night at one house。译为中文为:(儿童或年轻人在某人家玩了并且过夜的)聚会。

Why won't you let me go to Haley's sleepover? 为什么你不让我去哈利的通宵派对?

词汇精讲2:decadent是形容词,在《牛津词典》中解释道:having or showing low standards, especially moral ones, and an interest only in pleasure and enjoyment rather than serious things。译问中文为:堕落的, 颓废的, 衰落的。例如:

Don't let decadent ideas eat into yourselves. 让颓废的思想侵蚀你们。

I don't like the decadent opinion in the article. 我不喜欢这篇文章里颓废的观点。

短语精讲1:close up是动词性固定短语,在《柯林斯词典》中解释道: If someone closes up a building, they shut it completely and securely, often because they are going away。译为:关闭。在台词中,可以理解为“停歇,结束”。

The summer house had been closed up all year. 这座消夏别墅关了整整一年。

Business declined to such an extent that the company had to close up. 生意如此清淡,公司只好停业。

短语精讲2:focus on是动词性固定短语,表示是对某事或做某事予以很大的注意,可译为:专注于......;聚焦于......等。例如:

He focused his mind on his lessons. 他把心思集中在功课上。

All eyes were focused on him when he came in. 他进来时大家都注视着他。

口语提炼:表示“有时间做某事”,套用下面这个句型:Sb is free to do something. 典型范例:

I am free to have business to talk about to you now. 我现在有空和你谈事情了。

语法点拨:with Blair's boyfriend Nate helping to close up the family yacht for the season是有介词with引导的独立主格,做原因状语。这样的结构为with+N.+V.ing。

语法点拨2:her annual sleepover是做event的同位语,a tradition since the year 2000是做sleepover的同位语。

语法点拨3:each one more decadent than the last是独立主格做状语。Last是形容词,和the连用做名词,the last意思是“上一次”。

Gossip girl: No expense or reputation is spared.

词汇精讲:spare在这里做用词用,在《牛津词典》中解释道:to do everything possible to achieve something or to do something well without trying to limit the time or money involved。译为:不吝啬(金钱、时间)。例如:

He spared no effort to make her happy again. 为了使她又快乐起来,他想尽了办法。

No expense was spared in furnishing the new office. 装潢新办公室不惜工本。

口语提炼:表示“大造声势”,我们可以使用台词中的这个句子:No reputation is speared.

词汇点拨:expense作为“spending of money(花费)”这个意思解释时,是不可数名词。

Gossip girl: With everything from trundle beds to truffles in place, all that's missing is sleepover star and Waldorf B.F.F. Serena Van Der Woodsen.

词汇点拨:trundle是名词,意思是“滚动”,台词中的trundle beds指“可以滚动的床”。Truffle是名词,意思是“松露巧克力糖”。Miss是动词,基本义有“错过,未赶上”,在这里可以理解为“缺少”。B.F.F是best friend forever的缩写,意思是“永远的最好的朋友”

短语点拨:from...to...是介词短语,意思是“从......到......”。在往期节目中有个短语from top to bottom,意思是“全部地,彻底地”。

短语精讲:in place是副词性固定短语,表示地点,意思是“在适当的位置”,可引申为“妥当,合适”之意。再如:

The proposal is not quite in place. 那个提议并不十分适当。

She likes to have everything in place. 她喜欢每件东西都各就各位。 I'm afraid your proposal is not quite in place. 恐怕你的提案不太妥当。

语法点拨1:With everything from trundle beds to truffles in place是介词短语作伴随状况状语。

语法点拨2:that is missing是定语从句修饰在这个从句中做主语的,词性是不定代词all的先行词,因此,引导定语从句的关系代词只能用that,不能用which。
