看绯闻女孩学英语 132(在线收听

Serena: Hey! Just the little sister I was looking for.


I need answers, and I need them now.


Your brother is being very mysterious about our date tonight.


Jenny: Well, he's a very mysterious guy, apparently.


Serena: Look, he won't even tell me where we're going.


Can you just give me a hint?


Are we going to some secret club to see the best unsigned band in Brooklyn?


Or... or a guerrilla art exhibit in Dumbo?


Or, hey, isn't the New York Film Festival still going on?


Jenny: You don't leave much room for surprise, do you?


Serena: Well, I don't know how to dress for surprise.


Not everything goes with it, you know.


Jenny: Well, I'd say jeans and a T-shirt is a safe bet.


The Humphrey men do casual Friday every day.


Serena: Oh, it's my brother.


Jenny: Oh, I say hi.


Serena: Eric, hey, Jenny says hi.


Eric: Well, hi back. Did she spill about tonight?


Serena: No, not a drop. You all packed?


Eric: Yeah, baggage is ready to go.


Serena: Hey, speaking of which, is mom still there?


Eric: Yeah, she's talking to the doctor now.


I can't believe she's actually letting me come home for a weekend.


I don't think I even remember what a weekend is.


What time's your date? Maybe we'll cross paths at the Palace.


Serena: 7:00. Can't wait to see you.


Eric: Me, too. Bye.


Serena: Okay, I love you, Eric. Bye.


Serena: Just the little sister I was looking for.

语法点拨:I was looking for是定语从句修饰指代人且在定语从句中充当介词宾语成分的先行词sister。

重点提示:look for是一个习语,它们共同表示“寻找,寻觅”的意思。因此不能将介词for提至定语从句句首再接引导词,即不能这样用for which I was looking。再如:look forward to中的介词to也不能这样用。

Serena: Your brother is being very mysterious about our date tonight.

词汇精讲:mysterious是形容词,《牛津词典》解释道:keeping or liking to keep things secret。译为:故弄玄虚的,秘密的。例如:

He was being very mysterious, and wouldn't tell me what he was up to. 他神秘莫测,不告诉我他想干什么。

短语精讲:be mysterious about something表示对某件事物保持得很机密,让人觉得很神秘。例如:

They are being very mysterious about their holiday plans. 关于他们的度假计划,他们显得很神秘。

语法点拨:台词中的谓语结构是be+being+adj。它和be+adj.的区别是状态的持续时间。台词中说到的是is being mysterious,这个只表示现在是这样,并不表示经常是这样。而is mysterious就是表示经常的状况。

Serena: Can you just give me a hint?

短语精讲:give sb a hint中的hint是“暗示,提示”的意思,它是可数名词。该短语的意思是“提示某人”“给与某人暗示”。表示“暗示某人某事”,在hint后面接介词about,即:give sb a hint about something。例如:

I beg your to give me a hint about the big news. 求求你告诉我一些关于重大新闻。

Could you please give me a hint so that I can solve the riddle? 可以给我一点提示,让我我解开这个谜吗?

Serena: Or, hey, isn't the New York Film Festival still going on?

短语精讲:go on是动词性固定短语,意思是“继续”。表示继续做某事,可以有两种用法:一个是go on with something,另一个是go on doing something。例如:

You're trying to put me off, please go on with the story. 你是在想法转移目标,还是接着讲你的故事吧。

How long will she go on languishing for her red-haired boy? 为想见到她的红头发的儿子,她还将为此烦恼多久呢?

Let's go on, and find some farm where we can put up. 咱们往前走吧,去找一个农庄过夜。

Jenny: You don't leave much room for surprise, do you?

短语点拨:leave room for something中的room是“空间”的意思,是不可数名词,leave是“留”的意思,for表示原因。因此,该短语的意思是“给.......留点空间”“给......留有余地”。台词中时使用了这个短语的比喻句,相当于allow of something。例如:

Leave room for this big box. 留出地方来放这个大箱子。

Leave room for retreat When trying new feat. 要有新的壮举,就得做出退让。

Serena: Not everything goes with it, you know.

短语精讲:go with是动词性固定短语,意思是“与......一致”;“与......相配”。例如:

Does this skirt go with my jumper? 这条裙子和我的套头毛衫相配 吗 ?

Blue does not go with green. 蓝和绿不调和。

Jenny: Well, I'd say jeans and a T-shirt is a safe bet.

短语理解:a safe bet字面意思是“安全的赌注”,台词中使用了其引申义,它的引申义表示对某事很肯定,那件事情很保险,不会出岔子。例如:

It's a safe bet that he'll get the job 他能得到那份工作,这几乎可以打保票。

I'm wearing black for the party and it's always a safe bet. 我穿黑色礼服参加聚会--万无一失。

Eric: Well, hi back. Did she spill about tonight?

短语精讲:spill out是动词性固定短语,基本意是“溢出,流出”,引申为“泄露;泄密”。例如:

The words spilled out in a rush. 这番话很快被泄露了出去。

He was tempted to spill out his problems to Philip. 他很想把自己的问题透露给菲利普。

Serena: Hey, speaking of which, is mom still there?

短语回顾:speak of的意思是“说到,提及,提到”,它的比喻义是“显示出”。回顾2个例句:

They spoke of the old days on the campus. 他们谈起昔日的校园生活。

Reading is the only hobby I can speak of. 读书是我唯一值得一提的爱好。

Everything at the party spoke of careful planning. 这次聚会上的一切都显示出了他们作了周密的安排。

Serena: No, not a drop.

情景口语:你要考试了,父母问你为考试做好准备了没有,你一点都没复习功课的话,可以这样回答:Not a drop.

Serena: 7:00. Can't wait to see you.

口语句型:表示迫不及待做某事,套用下面这个句型:Sb cannot wait to do something. 例如:

We cannot wait for favours from nature; we must take from her. 我们不能等待大自然的恩赐,我们必须向她索取。
