英语新闻听写 华盛顿国家动物园将送走大熊猫宝宝(在线收听

Atlanta’s zoo announced Thursday that its three-year-old giant panda twins will be leaving the zoo on November third.


The National Zoo in Washington said it will also be saying goodbye to panda cub Bao Bao in 2017.


The zoo didn’t give a date but said the cub will move to China within the first few months of the new year.


When they leave, there will only be a dozen pandas remaining in the United States: four in Atlanta, three in Washington, three in San Diego and two in Memphis.


Both the Atlanta zoo and the National Zoo say that they’re preparing for the pandas’ departure.


In Washington, a travel crate will soon be placed in Bao Bao’s habitat so she can get used to it. In Atlanta, a crate is already part of the pandas’ enclosure.

