美联社新闻一分钟 AP 特朗普威胁退出世卫组织(在线收听

This is AP News Minute.


Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin defended White House efforts to reopen the economy while ensuring Americans are protected from the coronavirus. Speaking remotely to the Senate banking committee, Mnuchin said keeping the country shutdown indefinitely risks 'permanent damage' to the economy.


China criticized president Trump's threat to withdraw from the World Health Organization over its response to the coronavirus outbreak. A Foreign Ministry spokesman said the U.S. attempted to shirk responsibility for failing to control the virus.


Vice President Mike Pence Tuesday previewed the program that will launch U.S. astronauts back into orbit. NASA astronauts are set to blast off next week for the first time since the space shuttle program ended in 2011. A private company, Spacex, is providing the ride.


And finally, some museums in Rome reopened Tuesday after being closed for nearly three months due to the coronavirus lockdown. Visitors were subject to temperature checks, hand sanitizer and social distancing measures before entering. The Colosseum and the the Vatican Museum remain closed.

