2020年经济学人 保护类人猿免受新冠病毒感染(2)(在线收听

Dr Walsh and a group of colleagues at Thomas Jefferson University, in Philadelphia, and at the University of Louisiana, Lafayette,


estimate that Ebola alone is responsible for the deaths of a third of the world's wild gorillas over the past three decades.


Human respiratory viruses are the leading cause of death among chimpanzees at Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania and Kibale National Park in Uganda.


Tony Goldberg of the University of Wisconsin-Madison was "intellectually prepared, but not emotionally prepared"

威斯康星大学的Tony Goldberg对于2013年基巴勒区爆发C型鼻病毒所造成的破坏

for the devastation caused in 2013 by an outbreak of rhinovirus C at Kibale, which killed 9% of one group of chimps.


A covid-19 outbreak would be "another problem that the apes don't need", he observes.


Jane Goodall, a pioneering primatologist who began her research on chimpanzees at Gombe 60 years ago, is also worried.

灵长类动物学家先驱Jane Goodall于60年前就在贡贝开始了她对黑猩猩的研究。

Tanzania has not enforced a full anti-covid lockdown, so villagers who live around the park could still spread the disease to the chimps.


At Tchimpounga Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Centre in Congo-Brazzaville,


where her research institute also works, health checks are mandatory for humans and chimps alike.


The closure of conservation sites because of the pandemic poses another problem for apes.


Around 40% of Virunga National Park's revenue has disappeared overnight, says Emmanuel de Merode, its director.

维龙加国家公园园长Emmanuel de Merode表示,一夜之间,该园区约4%的收入都消失了。

"This will present major challenges to ensuring that conservation efforts continue uninterrupted," he adds.


Dr Walsh fears that if local economies are harmed by the closure of tourism sites, people will turn to poaching.


Some ape populations will cope with covid-19 better than others.


Though chimpanzee troops are generally controlled by a dominant adult male,


there are usually plenty of subordinates willing and eager to step in, should he die or be incapacitated.


Mountain-gorilla groups, however, are normally harems that have several females but only a single adult male.


If this silver-back were to die of covid-19, the females— likely to have been infected as well—would probably disperse to join other groups, spreading the virus further.


Mr de Merode says that if a gorilla tested positive for covid-19, his park "would consider a veterinary intervention to isolate and treat the individual,

de Merode表示,如果一只大猩猩covid-19呈阳性,那么他的园区“将考虑让兽医介入,来隔离和治疗个体,

but we would be in unknown territory". Most primatologists think isolating a sick ape would be unfeasible.


Rather, laments Dr Wrangham, "we would just have to sit back and watch."

