NBC晚间新闻 五岁男孩遭枪击,芝加哥暴力之夏的标志(在线收听

Shooting of 5-year-old a symbol of violent Chicago summer


Five-year-old Jaden Donald may not have superpowers, but he's done something remarkable by escaping becoming a grim statistic in Chicago's violent summer.

五岁的Jaden Donald没有超能力,但是他在芝加哥充满暴力的夏天躲过了死神,这很了不起。

Now to a little boy who has become a symbol of the gun violence plaiging the city of Chicago. There were more than 500 murders there last year, and while the number in pace has fallen this year, there's been a string of shootings in which young children have been killed or wounded caught in the line of fire. NBC'c John Yang reports on how Chicago is trying to fight back.

reporter: 5-year-old Jaden Donald may not have super powers , but he's done something remarkable. Narrowly escaping becoming a grim statistic in Chicago's tragic violent summer.

Who is the best, spiderman or bat man?

Spiderman .

Returning from a Fourth July Party, Jaden and his mom stopped at a park just a block from home.

I didn't realize the difference between fireworks and gunshots. And in the mist of Jaden get caught running to me in the cross fire.

reporter: He was hit in the stomach while the police said it was a dispute between rival gang factions. At the hospital the doctors said he was dying and rushed him to surgery.

It's the worst feeling you can ever have to watch your child go through something and being in so much pain and there's nothing you can do about it. It's the worst thing never.

reporter: In chicago it's an all too common feeling. Jaden is one of four children younger than 7 shot in July alone.

The gang bangors are not very good shots and they hit people.

reporter: Police took us around the hard hit south side. He says 100 fewer juveniles have been shot this year compared to last year.

It's a day by day, minute by minute fight that we've been having against gun violence. We're not going to be able to fix it over night.

reporter: He points to progress. So far murders are down to 26% from last year to the lowest number since 1965. shooting down 24%.

It's the same officers and the same beat, every single day.

reporter: Some experts say Chicago's homicides tend to follow a familiar formula.

A couple of young guys plus some sort of disagreement plus a gun equals dead body .

reporter: Police seize more guns in chicago than in New York and Los Angeles combined. They say the solution isn't just fewer firearms, it's also more opportunities. 22-year-old Zachary Robinson is in a program called One Summer Plus which provides jobs and mentoring to young people from at risk neighbors.

It helps me off the street and other people that might be doing something violent and doing something positive.

reporter: Which could help kids like Jaden Donald spend less time in hospitals.

There is spiderman.

reporter: And more time being spiderman. John Yang, NBC news Chicago.
