NBC晚间新闻 叙利亚一检查站遭自杀性炸弹袭击(在线收听

Suicide bomber strikes Syrian checkpoint


The blast killed at least 37 people and comes as talk of a peace conference aimed to end Syria’s civil war grows. NBC’s Richard Engel reports.

爆炸造成至少37人死亡,通过和平会议谈话结束叙利亚内战的呼声变高。NBC的Richard Engel报道。

We turn to the crisis in Syria where for the second time in as many days, a suicide bomber struck a government shut point, killing at least 37 people. It came as there was increasing talk about a peace conference aimed at ending syria's long civil war. NBC's chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel has been following developments in Syria and he joins us. Richard, good evening.

Good evening, Carl, what is so striking about Syria is how much this story has been changing. If you remember, just about a month ago, the United States was on the verge of bombing that country. And now the US is putting all of its hope in a peace conference. And I think this peace conference is really still just tentative at best. Today, the Secretary General of the Arab League said that a date has been set. That there will be this peace conference in Geneva, in the, in late November. But then a UN envoy came out also today and said, no, no date has been set. The Syrian rebels say that this is all a ploy and the Syrian government said it will not negotiate with terrorists. So a lot still needs to come together for this conference to take place, let alone discuss any substantive issues. Then on the ground, in almost a parallel reality, there is this daily carnage, a massive bomb. A 1 1/2 tons truck bomb that exploded today killing more than 30 people. Almost all of them civilians.
