NBC晚间新闻 奥巴马医改虽成功 只是没达到预期(在线收听

Obamacare official: ‘it’s working,’ just not at success rate we want


On Tuesday, the White House insisted President Obama did not mislead Americans when promising everyone could keep their insurance if they like it. But so far, almost 2 million of the 14 million Americans who buy individual coverage have gotten letters that their policy is canceled or has to change because of the law. NBC’s Lisa Myers reports.

星期二,白宫坚称,奥巴马总统之前承诺说任何人如果想保留自己原有的保险都行时,没有误导美国人。但是,到目前为止,购买了个人保险的1400万美国人中,有近200万的人都收到信件说由于最新出台的法律,他们的政策取消了或者改变了。NBC的Lisa Myers报道。

It's a big problem on the part of the government that starts off our broadcast. Specifically, this new health care law. Beyond the colossal problems with the website well chronicled, now it is the assurances by the president who told people if you like your housecare plan you could keep it. Well, with the insurance companies discontinuing some policies of some people, we are finding it is no longer the case as many deal with the potential for new higher costs. Our senior investigaive correspondent Lisa Myers broke the story last night and has more for us tonight from Washington, Lisa, good evening.

reporter: Brian, good evening, so far almost 2 million of the 14 million Americans who buy individual coverage have gotten letters that their policy is cancelled or has to change because of the law. Still, the White House insists the president did not mislead Americans when he promised everyone could keep their insurance.

Here is a guarantee that I have made. If you have insurance that you like, then you will be able to keep that insurance.

reporter: That doesn't sit well with George Schwab who is retired, started a new business, and has been told because of the new health care law his current policy is no longer available because it doesn't meet minimum standards. His new policy? Comes with a premium increase of more than 400%.

I just wish I could have my insurance back. I just -- that is what I want.

reporter: He now has to pay for more than he wants, including pregnancy coverage for his 59-year-old wife.

I just don't think that was all that well thought out. I think the intentions were good. But you know, there is a lot of things that need to be fixed.

My constituents are frightened.

reporter: On Capitol Hill, the first administration official to appear since the botched rollout of the Obamacare website, apologized. But insisted that the system is now working.

The system right now is working?

I'm saying it is working, it's just not working at the speed that we want and the success rate that we want.

How do you not know how many people have enrolled?

Chairman, we'll have this number available in November.

reporter: The president spokesperson emphasized that those losing their coverage are getting better plans and sometimes subsidies. He seemed to rephrase the president's promise.

If you had insurance that you liked on an individual market and you wanted to keep that insurance through 2010, 11, 12, 13, and in pepputuity and if you want it and it was available, you could.

reporter: A reminder that 80% of Americans are not impacted by this because they get their insurance through their employer, medicaid or medicare. Now, secretary Kathleen Sebelius on the Hill for the first time tomorrow cencors the rollout and will face tough questions, Brian?

Lisa Myers starting us off from our DC Newsroom tonight, Lisa, thanks.
