
A remote practice requires concentration and team work. Esports is just as competitive and just as exhausting as any other sports. You're using your brain, you're communicating, you're having strategic plans and it's the same format as like baseball and stuff. And it's challenging like chess, says an eSports player who studies mathematics who says the skills are similar. You can discuss multiple ways to solve one to get what wasn't same answer and I feel like you can do the same thing in eSports. ESports is a billion dollar industry with professional teams and competitions that draw thousands of spectators who come to see the world's top gamers. 


The computer-based sport also offers professional opportunities. Event planning, logistics, purchasing the business side is a big side of it, accounting and finances. So we try to do an event where we try to integrate all those aspects into the whole eSports event. When not locked down at home, Pro players compete for trophies and prize money. At the college level, some get involved for enjoyment. All right let's just go for it and as you know I'm here making a lot more friends and it's really fun just be on a team. This computer science student is developing job skills. And now I help with the social media marketing, I make a lot of the promotional graphics. I help with administering a current website for the Association. Some professional athletes are turning to eSports in their time and isolation. It offers virtual competition without boundaries and does the same for student players. Essentially were able to compete with other people from across the world and get connected with other people that we wouldn't typically be able to meet in person which is pretty neat if you ask me. Professional teams are getting involved in online gaming as the line between sports and eSports starts to blur and eSports comes into its own in a time of pandemic. Michael Sullivan VOA news Los Angeles

这种以电脑为基础的运动也提供了职业机会。活动策划,物流,采购业务方面是它的一个大的方面,还有会计和财务。所以我们尝试策划一个活动,我们尝试把所有方面整合到整个电子竞技活动中。没有隔离在家的时候,这些职业选手会竞争奖杯和奖金。在大学,一些人会为了享受而参与其中。好吧,让我们开始吧,如你所知,我在这结交了好多朋友,组队真的很有意思。这位计算机科学专业的学生正在扩展自己的工作技能。现在,我帮助进行社交媒体营销,我制作了很多的宣传图片。我帮助管理协会目前的网站。一些职业运动员在这段时间以及与世隔绝的状态,而转向电子竞技。它提供没有边界的虚拟竞争,对学生玩家也是如此。从本质上来说,我们可以和全世界的人进行竞争,可以和我们通常不会见面的人进行联系,如果你问我的话,这真的很棒。随着体育和电子竞技之间的界限变得模糊,职业队开始参加线上游戏,而在大流行病期间电子竞技也非常流行。VOA记者Michael Sullivan洛杉矶报道
