英语新闻听写 亚马逊开设免排队结算实体店 改变传统超市概念(在线收听

Amazon announced on Monday that it opened a brick-and-mortar grocery store in Seattle that features no lines or checkout counters. The new Amazon Go store "uses sensors to detect what shoppers have picked off the shelves and bills it to their Amazon account if they do not put it back."


E-commerce for groceries has been the hardest market for Amazon to crack, and the opening of Amazon Go is "a great recognition that their e-commerce model doesn't work for every product," says analyst Jan Dawson of Jackdaw Research.

杂货商店的电子交易一直是亚马逊最难攻克的市场领域,穴鸟研究公司(Jackdaw Research)的分析家简恩·道森指出,亚马逊Go的开业表明“亚马逊意识到电商模式并不适用于所有商品。”
