英语新闻听写 苹果或雇佣保时捷工程师 进军汽车行业扑朔迷离(在线收听

Apple's automotive plans continue to perplex industry experts. In October, Bloomberg reported that the tech giant had scaled back its automotive plans amid a series of Project Titan layoffs, and was moving from building a complete car to developing a system that could be used in future self-driving vehicles.

苹果公司进军汽车产业的计划依然让业内专家极其困惑。十月彭博社报道,科技巨人苹果公司在泰坦计划(Project Titan)的一系列裁员中也相应地缩减了它的汽车产业计划,而且其目标从造车转变为开发一套能够在未来的自动驾驶车辆上使用的系统。

Then, in November, Apple sent a letter to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, claiming that it was "excited about the potential of automated systems in many areas, including transportation."


And this week, Apple has allegedly hired Alexander Hitzinger, the former head of Porsche's Le Mans prototype efforts. In a recent interview with Manager Magazin', however, Hitzinger didn't confirm his position at Apple, only stating that he left Porsche to do something "which has a significant and direct impact on society."

