福克斯新闻 奥巴马呼吁废除医改措施前三思(在线收听

As the Senate gets ready to take up health care, President Obama is calling on lawmakers to think twice before rolling back his signature accomplishment:


(Obama) “It does require some courage to champion the vulnerable, and the sick and the infirm.”


The former President spoke while accepting the JFK Profile in Courage Award in Boston. Republican Senator Susan Collins says the upper chamber will start from scratch:

这位前总统在波士顿接受肯尼迪勇气奖时发表了讲话。共和党参议员科林斯(Susan Collins)表示,参议院将会完全从头开始。

(Collins) “We’re going to draft our own bill.”


There’s no timetable yet on a Senate-crafted health care bill.


In Washington, Rachel Sutherland, FOX News.

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