看绯闻女孩学英语 224(在线收听

Alison: Rufus, I'm sorry. I know that you're upset.

Rufus 我很抱歉 我知道你很伤心

Rufus: You're getting that, huh?


Alison: Can you please talk to me? Please?

跟我聊聊好吗 拜托你了

Rufus: I only have one question and I'm pretty sure I don't want to hear the answer.

我只有一个问题 但我很确定我不想知道答案

Alison: It happened one time and I wish it hadn't and it's over.

只有一次 我真希望没发生过,但已经结束了

Rufus: Then why did our daughter have to go to Hudson and drag you back here?


Alison: Because when we spoke on the phone, I didn't really get the impression that you wanted to see me

因为我们聊电话的时候 我并不很确定你想见我

I thought I should give you some space.


Rufus: This family has had way too much space. You never should have left.


Alison: Can we not go through this whole thing again? Please. You know that I wasn't happy.

我们不要再想这件事了好吗 拜托 你也知道我那时不开心

Rufus: Yeah. You happy now?

是吗 那你现在开心了吗

Alison: In some ways, I am. I know you don't want to hear that.

某种程度来说 的确是 我知道你不想听这些

Rufus: Look, please don't act like you care what I want.


Alison: Rufus. I was there for you when you were all about your music

Rufus 我在的时候 你的世界里只有音乐

when you were on the road for months at a time and everything that went with it.

好几个月也不回家一次 那时我们两个结束了

My whole adult life has been about you. And now I'm the one that's screwed up.

我的大半个人生都给了你 但现在把事情搞砸的人却是我

I guess I was a late bloomer. I just need you to care enough about me to try.

我可真是大器晚成啊 我只是需要你在乎我 哪怕只是试着去做

Rufus: Alison... I care. I care.

Alison 我在乎 我在乎
