看绯闻女孩学英语 238(在线收听

Hey. And hello to you. Big national holiday.

嘿 你好啊 伟大的国定假日

You excited? Kind of I am.

兴奋吗 有点儿吧

Might be the first thanksgiving in a while that I actually remember.

也许是好久以来 第一个我能记住的感恩节

Yeah, I bet. Huh? Nothing.

是的 我猜也是 什么 没什么

Uh, you...uh, you at Blair's?

呃 你在Blair家

Almost. Her dad's gonna be home for the first time since he left, so she's really excited.

差不多到了 这是他爸打从离开之后第一次回来 所以她真的很兴奋

Oh, well, family reunions are all around then.

哦 太好了 现在到处都在一家团圆了

Uh, we, too, have a full Humphrey household.

呃 我们家也是一家子姓Humphrey的总算全了

Hopefully, it'll stick.Well, it seems like your mom is really trying.

希望这家子能保持完整 好的 看上去你妈妈是真的在努力

Better thanksgiving than never.

有感激的事情 怎么都好过没有

Call me between every course? Okay. Bye.

每吃一道菜都打个电话给我 好的 拜

Mom, is it really okay to cook with this much heavy cream?

妈妈 用那么多全脂奶油来做 真的可以吗

Our arteries give us a free pass on turkey day.


It's a shame our family doesn't have a few hundred more members.


Do you think I bought too much?


Only by several tons.


But it's our first holiday back.


I wanted to make sure it was special.


I think they call that guilt.


Yeah, I guess they do.

是的 我猜他们是这么说的

But if it means more midnight turkey sandwiches for all of us, then so be it.

但是如果这意味着我们大家有更多火鸡三明治作夜宵 何乐而不为呢

Yeah, see, Dan?

没错 明白了 Dan

Uh, we on this side of the kitchen choose to be positive.

呃 厨房这边的我们决定要乐观积极点

Yeah, Dan. What's it gonna be?

是的 Dan你选哪边

You with us or against us? Fine. Fine.

加入我们还是与我们为敌 好吧 好吧

But only if I can take the cranberry sauce out of the can.


That is my specialty.

