福克斯新闻 参议院确认数十名特朗普提名人(在线收听

Ahead of an August recess, the Senate confirmed nearly 80 nominees for several agencies and ambassador posts:


(McConnell) "It was an important step towards filling critical roles throughout the administration."


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has complained Democrats were delaying confirmation votes, needlessly, this batch of confirmations all occurred with unanimous, bipartisan support.

参议院多数派领袖麦康纳(Mitch McConnell)投诉民主党不必要地延迟了确认投票,这批提名全部得到两党一致通过。

Among those confirmed, former Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison to serve as U.S. Ambassador to NATO.

得到确认提名的人选中,前德克萨斯参议员哈奇森(Kay Bailey Hutchison)将担任美国驻北约大使。

On Capitol Hill, Jared Halpern, FOX News.

Jared Halpern在国会山为您报道福克斯新闻。
