福克斯新闻 夏洛茨维尔邦联雕像被布覆盖(在线收听

Black fabric will now cover the statues of Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson that stand in Charlottesville, Virginia, a week after a meleebetween white nationalists and counter-protesters broke out, leading to a car attack killing one woman.

佛吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔邦联领导人罗伯特·李(Robert E. Lee )将军和石墙将军托马斯·杰克逊(Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall”Jackson)的雕像被黑布遮盖。一周前,白人民族主义者和反对派抗议者之间爆发混战,导致一起汽车袭击,造成1一名女子死亡。

The vote came after a contentious city council meeting:


(Woman) "You are not a leader. And that has been clear since the first day you sat in that chair!"


Police arrested three people outside that meeting. The shrouds are to mark the city mourning the death of 32-year-old Heather Heyer.

警方在会议现场外逮捕了三人。黑布是为了号召整座城市悼念遇难的32岁的海尔(Heather Heyer)。

Eben Brown, FOX News.

Eben Brown为您报道福克斯新闻。
