福克斯新闻 带孩子谨防顾此失彼(在线收听

Fox on Family. Raising kids is a busy life: "We as parents, we're overly productive, we want to cram everything in. We're constantly working, thinking, we rarely stop to rest and we're rarely satisfied."

So how do we slow down? Business owner, author and mother-of-three Angela Nuttle, says it's a process: "When we're choosing to stay busy like that, we're actually choosing to value one thing over another."

Nuttle was working as a defense contractor in Iraq when her dad called-on Father's Day-to say he loved her and she said... she'd call him back another time. But they never spoke again. A few days later he was killed in a car accident: "That's a hard way to learn a lesson, but it's one that made me step back and rethink my values and what was important."

Nuttle also says a just shift in pace can feel like downtime; for her, a break from work to take her daughter for ice cream, a journal can help. Jot down what you do every, put a heart next to the most meaningful, and then set a goal... of more hearts.

With FOX on Family, I'm Lisa Brady.


那要怎么样慢下来呢?身为老板,作家以及三个孩子的母亲,Angela Nuttle这样描述带孩子的过程:“选择那样忙前忙后的时候,我们其实是在顾此失彼。”



福克斯家庭新闻,我是Lisa Brady。
