英语听力:自然百科 热带风潮的革命(8)(在线收听

The military government published AI-5, Institutional Act No.5, which suspended habeas corpus, allowing houses to be searched without warrant, and anyone to be jailed without reason being given.

军事政府公布了AI-5,制度行动5号,暂停人身保护令, 无正当理由允许房屋搜索,任何人都可以无理由被监禁。

Torture became commonplace, thousands simply disappeared.


The military didn't arrest left wing musicians, but instead, targeted the leaders of Tropicalia, Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil.


What scared, what bothered the military, was basically behaviours. You know.


The way, I mean, we were sort of dressing and manifesting, and dealing ideas, you know, trading ideas.

我的意思是,我们需要打扮并证明,交换想法,你知道, 交换想法。

That's sort of things. The behaviourists revolution element.


On December 27th, 1968, Gil and Veloso were detained in Sao Paolo and driven to Rio, where they were held without charge.

1968年12月27日, 吉尔和维罗索被拘留在圣保罗和里约热内卢,在那里,他们没有指控的被关押着。
