英国新闻听力 伦敦黄金价格创历史新高(在线收听

One of the most wanted suspects in Rwanda’s 1994 genocide has arrived at the International Tribunal for Rwanda in Tanzania. The man, Idelphonse Nizeyimana, who is described by the tribunal as a prime target, was arrested in neighbouring Uganda. Here is our East Africa correspondent Will Ross.

For 15 years, Idelphonse Nizeyimana had been on the run. In 1994, he was a captain in the Rwandan army, and the lengthy indictment against him says he executed a plan to wipe out the minority Tutsi ethnic population. He’s accused of setting up special military units, one of which killed the Rwandan queen. The Rwandan government has welcomed to Mr. Idelphonse Nizeyimana’s arrest, describing him as a mastermind of the genocide. It says he later joined a rebel group across the border in Congo, the FDLR, which has been wreaking havoc on the civilian population.

The price of gold has reached an all-time record of 1,038 dollars an ounce in London. Its rise is partly because of a decline in the value of the US dollar amid speculation that it might lose its role as the world’s reserve currency, as Robeny Smith reports.

A report in the British newspaper said some oil-producing Middle Eastern states backed by China, Russia and one EU country France were contemplating buying oil in a basket of currencies instead of the dollar. Middle Eastern countries have since denied the story, others have ignored it. But a weak dollar does cost oil producers as the price of their product falls in other currencies. The US has been under pressure for some time to recognize this when forming a domestic economic policy that often appears to ignore the international role of the dollar.

Britain says it plans to cut funding for camps in Sri Lanka housing a quarter of a million ethnic Tamils displaced during the war against the Tamil Tiger rebels. The British Development Minister Mike Foster on a visit to the biggest camp Menik Farm said he was disappointed with Sri Lanka’s progress in allowing civilians to return to their homes. Accompanying him was our correspondent, Charles Haviland.

Mr. Foster said that once the imminent monsoon is over, Britain will only fund lifesaving emergency interventions in the camps which he described as closed as their inhabitants cannot freely leave. Sri Lanka’s government says it’s installing adequate drainage to ward off any flooding, but the UK, the UN and others disagree. Visiting Menik Farm, the British minister said he feared heavy rainfall might cause devastation and spread disease. He said some 70% of the camp dwellers could leave and stay with host families.

The British author Hilary Mantel has just won the Man Booker Prize for Fiction for her novel Wolf Hall about the life and times of the Tudor statesman Thomas Cromwell. Miss Mantel had been the strong favourite to win the award which is open to works in English by authors from the Commonwealth and Ireland.

A judge in Brazil has ordered the arrest of a former host of a TV crime show and politician Wallace Souza who’s suspected of commissioning killings to boost ratings for his popular crime show. Mr. Souza faces charges of drug trafficking and the possession of firearms. From Sao Paulo, Gary Duffel.

As well as being a former TV presenter, Wallace Souza was a popular politician. However, his expulsion following a vote last week meant he lost his parliamentary immunity, and now it appears he is on the run after a warrant was issued for his arrest. The authorities in Amazonas claim he ordered several killings in order to get rid of his rivals while afterwards TV crews from his program would mysteriously arrive at the crime scenes before the police. Mr. Souza, who’s not been charged in connection with any killings, denies the accusations and says they are part of a smear campaign by his political opponents.

A car bomb has exploded in a busy marketplace in western Iraq, killing at least nine people and wounding many others. The blast happened outside the city of Fallujia. It’s the second deadly bombing in Anbar province in as many days. On Monday, a suicide bomber killed six people at a funeral in the city of Haditha.

Opposition parties in Guinea have said they won’t join talks aimed at resolving the country’s political crisis until the head of the military government Captain Moussa Dadis Camara steps down. The crisis erupted last month after government troops opened fire on opposition demonstrators in the capital Conakry, killing more than 150 people. A coalition of opposition parties said in a statement that they want the soldiers responsible for the killings to be arrested.

The Justice Ministry in Switzerland has refused a request for the release on bail of the film director Roman Polanski. The ministry said there was a high risk he might flee. He was arrested in Zurich last month on a US warrant for sentencing for having sex with a 13-year-old girl in 1977.

卢旺达1994年种族大屠杀头号通缉犯抵达坦桑尼亚卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭。尼泽伊玛纳(Idelphonse Nizeyimana)被国际刑事法庭列为头号目标,在邻国乌干达被捕。以下是我们的东非通讯员Will Ross报道。

15年来,尼泽伊玛纳(Idelphonse Nizeyimana)一直在潜逃。1994年,他担任卢旺达军队的指挥官。对他的一系列控诉称,尼泽伊玛纳实施了灭绝少数民族图西族人的大屠杀。他被控建立了特殊军队单位,其中一个组织杀死了卢旺达女王。卢旺达政府对尼泽伊玛纳的被捕表示欢迎,称正是此人策划了这场大屠杀。卢旺达政府称,尼泽伊玛纳后来加入了刚果边境的反叛组织FDLR,严重影响平民的生活。

伦敦黄金价格创造了历史新高,达到每盎司1,038美元。价格上升的部分原因是美元价值的疲软。而且据猜测,美元可能作为世界储备货币的作用可能会失效。Robeny Smith报道。


英国表示计划减少对斯里兰卡营地资助资金。这些营地容纳了25万名打击塔米尔猛虎组织期间流离失所的塔米尔族人。英国发展大臣Mike Foster参观了最大的营地Menik Farm,他表示,对斯里兰卡允许平民返回家园的进展非常失望。陪同他的包括我们的记者Charles Haviland。

Foster表示,一旦即将到来的雨季结束,英国将仅为这些营地提供生命急救资助。他表示,这些营地是封闭式的,居民不能自由离开。斯里兰卡政府称其已在营地内安装了足够的排水设施,足以避免任何洪涝灾害。但是英国,联合国和其他国家并不赞同。在访问Menik Farm时,Mike Foster表示担忧强降水会造成灾害,继而传播疾病。他说,70%的营地居民可以离开,与当地住户居住在一起。Charles Haviland报道。

英国女作家希拉里·曼特尔(Hilary Mantel)凭借历史小说《狼厅》(WolfHall) 获得了布克小说奖。这部作品以托马斯·克伦威尔为中心讲述了都铎王朝的故事。希拉里·曼特尔在一批强劲对手中脱颖而出,夺得该奖项。此奖对英联邦和爱尔兰的所有英语小说开放。

巴西法官下令逮捕了电视犯罪节目前主持人和政客华莱士·索萨(Wallace Souza)。此人被怀疑为了提高受欢迎的电视节目的收视率而自己策划谋杀案。华莱士·索萨(Wallace Souza)面临毒品走私和私藏武器的指控。圣保罗,Gary Duffel报道。

华莱士·索萨(Wallace Souza)是电视主持人,还是著名的政客。然而,上周经过投票之后,他被驱逐,这表明他已失去了议会豁免权。而现在,逮捕令签发之后,似乎他正在潜逃。Amazonas官员表示,为了除掉竞争对手,他下令进行了几次谋杀,而随后,他的节目组工作人员总是离奇地在警方之前抵达犯罪现场。索萨并未面临任何与谋杀相关的指控。他拒绝这些控诉,说这是政治对手污蔑运动的一部分。


几内亚反对派称,他们不会加入旨在解决该国政治危机的对话,除非军事政府领袖Moussa Dadis Camara上尉下台。上月,政府军队在首都科纳克里向反对派示威者开火,造成150多人死亡,引发此政治危机。反对党派联盟在一份声明中称,他们希望为枪杀事件负责的士兵被捕。

