英国新闻听力 巴勒斯坦难民的梦想(在线收听


The Dream of Palestinian Refugees-巴勒斯坦难民的梦想


ANNOUNCER: The Lebanese army is also battling Islamic Militants in some of the most intense fighting scene in country since the civil war ended in 1990. The man who calls himself Fatah al-Islam has been entrenched for more than two months in the Palestine’s refugee camp of Naohadun Barracks, just a few kilometers North of Tripoli. The fighting is leading to a growing sense of uneasy Lebanon and to resentment towards the Palestinians. Christian Phraser has been to meet some of the Palestinian's Refugees forced to flee the camp.


CHRISTIAN PHRASER: Mania said he was not expecting visitors, he was busy shaving. His wife stood patiently by his side holding a towel, an old woman was sleeping soundly in a corner. Eventually, he turned to greet me. “You must think me very rude” he said in perfect English. “I’m sorry to keep you, would you have coffee?” Mania is a retired English teacher, now living on a floor of a school with 19 members of his family including his 90-year old mother. They are among the 40, 000 Palestine Refugees who fled the fighting in Nahr el-Bared. Somehow, all these people are being absolved into the nearby camp of the doorway, their fate largely ignored by the outside world. Mania has spent many years in the classroom; they were made since never have to sleep in one before. As I try to imagine 19 people sleeping in this small space, it struck me how immaculate it was. They laid carpets on the floor and their clothes were neatly folded, the mattresses are being carefully stocked by the window hiding school desks which have cleared in a hurry. Mania was meticulous about the appearances, the dispossessed are often some of the proudest people. “We treat this room as our room,” he said, “for the children, it’s been very hard. In Nahr el-Bared, they have their own rooms, their own computers. We even had 2 televisions,” he said. Mania had first become a Refugee in 1948 with the creation of the state of Israel. His family, he told me, are from Salsa, in Galilee. At the mention of the village, a smile crossed the face of his be-mused-looking mother. “She is suffering from optimism, “he said,”she doesn’t remember Nahr el-Bared she only remembers Salsa. She is constantly asking when we are going back.” 


During 15 years of civil war in Lebanon, Mania and his family had passed through four different Palestine camps and here is in retirement, destitute again. “I think we are cursed” he smiled, “a virus upon the world, nobody likes us, why? I don’t know why, but we survive. We may bend in the storm, but we never broken.“The same cannot be said of his old home in Nahr el-Bared after more than two months of pounding by the Lebanese army, the buildings are disfigured beyond recognition and still somewhere within the rural cunnings of the camp, the highly trained men of Fatah Al Islam fight on. Mania told me the militants had arrived six months ago with lots of cash and plenty of weapons. At first, they try to blend into camp life handing out money and attending weddings and funerals. But as the numbers grew, he said, they quickly took over. Mania's family had protested in one argument his cousin had been shot and in the end, they were forced to move to protect the children. For the poorly equipped Lebanese army soldiers who are fighting these militants, it is a tough task, the Government is weak, and they are keen to show that the country can be protected from within but the death toll is high. More than 120 soldiers have been killed so far. Many Lebanese blamed the Palestine’s. I visited the family of one of the death soldiers, Mustapha Alshami, he was 21, and he was due to be married last week. His weeding outfit is still on his bed. “I don’t care what the Palestinians say,” his mother said bitterly. “They welcome the maniac Fatah al-Islam, they took their money and because of their greed, my son is dead. May God put an end to the Palestinians!” Mania is well aware of this growing anger, he spoke almost apologetically of what happened in Nahr el-Bared. “But everyone must be calm,” he said, “We turned our back on them. These people should know we support the Lebanese army. We are brothers of the Lebanese people. We are the guest and the guest respects his host.” But Mania may know that this is not strictly true. When the Palestinians arm struggle against Israel was waged from Lebanon in the 1970s. The relationship between the Palestinians and their host was often close to breaking point. For Mania, for all Palestinians in Lebanon, there is something far deeper stake in the future of this country. Their battle is always the right to return to Israel and the village they fled in 1948. “We know Nahr el-Bared is gone" said Mania.“ But we go back and we rebuild it.” Some might ask why such a proud man would want his children to grow up in the Refugee camp. Paradoxically, it’s because they want to remain Refugees. To simulate into Lebanese society would give up their claim to their homeland. “We are not Lebanese” He said, “We are Palestinians, we have a land called Palestine and one day, Insha Allah, our children as refugees will return to the home that is rightly theirs.” They still live the dream, and in this tiny classroom. It’s all they have left.


ANNOUNCER: Christian Phraser. 



Resentment n. 怨恨,愤恨 

Ignore vt. 忽视,不理睬 

Immaculate adj. 特别整洁的 

Destitute adj. 困穷的,缺乏的 

Protect vt. 保护 

Paradoxically adv. 荒谬地
