英国新闻听力 巴基斯坦政治动荡(在线收听


Anarchy Looms in Pakistan-巴基斯坦政治动荡


ANNOUNCER: It’s been a week of comings and goings in Pakistan. Former Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif arrived last Monday, after seven years in exile, only to be deported to Saudi Arabia the same day. Another former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has given notice that she will return to Pakistan on the 18th of October. General elections are due later in the year and president Musharraf is hoping to win reelection, but as Bill Law has been discovering; recent events have made him increasingly unpopular with parts of the electorate. 


BILL LAW: Amid Abiba in her home of her cousin is in a poor district of Islamabad. The house is a couple of rooms, very simply furnished. While she talks, her little sister, eye sparkling mischievously plays around us. Abiba was a student of Jamaal Hafsa. The Majasaw attached the infamous Laalmasji “the red mosque”, she got out just hours ahead of the final assault on July 10th. She calls the soldiers, who attacked her and her fellow students, barbarians. She says hundreds of female students were killed, a charge the Government vehemently denies. Her claims are no doubt exaggerated but Government figures can’t be trusted either. It is the case that often girls in 2005 earthquakes in Kashmir taken in by the Majasaw, have gone missing. Somebody else have gone mission is Abiba’s father. He went to the Mosque to try to convince her to leave. The family believes he has been held by the ISI, Pakistan Secret Service. Abibe is angry, angry at the soldiers who stormed Leona Stead, angry with the ISI but most of all, she is angry with President Musharraf. “I say it was all done at the behest of America; he is a stooge of the United States.” She tells me, “And he did it for them. This was against Islam; this was an attempt to finish Islam.” In another turbulent week that seen the arrival and abrupt departure of Nawaz Sharif and announcement about the return of Benazir Bhutto, the religious rights in Pakistan is flexing its muscles and challenging the authority of President Musharraf in an unprecedented way. The shock took the students like Abiba and Assama. He looks to me about 17 with the beginners beard and a lovely smile. He told me he attended a seminar in a North West frontier province town of Mortem. He had to come to an anti-government meeting at Madaja, Islamabad, which is where I met him. He told me, I have come here today to show President Musharraf and his teacher Bush that Muslims have power, “They just want to use Islam as a joke.” As Assama warmed to his subject, other students gathered to listen and nod in agreement. “Musharraf doesn’t know what Islam is. He says Islam should be modernized but we say it is 1400 years old and it was given to us by the Prophet Mohammed. Peace be upon him.” I asked Assama about the numerous assassination attempts on President Musharraf. “Are such actions wrong according to Koran?” he tells me, “Sir, they are good!” What is a worrying new development is that the students have been backed by moderate Pakistanis. The feeling on the street is that a line is crossed when armed soldiers stormed Lali mosque,the second most important mosque in Islamabad. Support for the students and imprison Mohammed’s growing. The trial of the President is that Islam is beginning to stick. In the tribe regions, the North and West of the capital, the Pakistani army is loosing its tenuous grip. Soldiers have been kidnapped and there are even reports of troops going over to Taliban. All of this not just President Musharraf’s worst nightmare, its America’s too. Watching as they try to promote a crude political marriage between Benezir Bruto and Musharraf, has backfired almost as spectacularly as a red mosque siege. In the streets, she too is seen as watching a stooge. Meanwhile, the mothers of the Federation are uniting in their demands. They want the red mosque reopened and the imprisoned Imam, Abdelaziz restored. They want the Majasaw rebuilt, but they are bigger demands too. They want Pakistan reshaped according to their straight interpretation of the Karan. They want to see a Pakistan that turns its back on the Western institutions and values. And young students fired with religious fever and revolutionary zeal are powerful weapons helping to achieve those aims. “I wonder,” asks Abiba, “Did Musharraf not think of the day of judgment when he ordered the raid, we will never forgive him and his forces. On the day of judgment, we will have their collars in our hands, and we will say to them, tell us now that you are in the grip of Allah, why you unleashed Barbarism against us who demanded the establishment of Allah’s writ.” Abiba is tough, intelligent, determined, everything you want a 20 year old with her life ahead of her to be and she frightens me. She tells me that if the religious scholars say so, she will engage in Moslem operations: suicide attacks. As she says this, I glanced at the eye of her veil; they are hard and cold. And I catch a glimpse of her sister sitting besides her; she smiles shyly at me and her eye twinkled with delight, so different from the eye of her sister; but for how much longer? 





Deport vt. 驱逐 

Assault n. 围剿,袭击 

Vehemently adv.强烈地,激烈地 

Assassination n.暗杀 

Stooge n.配角
