英国新闻听力 邪典电影(一)(在线收听) |
Cult Film Part I-邪典电影(一) 由柯恩兄弟担任编剧的影片《谋杀绿脚趾》是一个很好的例子。影片讲述了九十年代发生在洛杉矶的一个关于谎言、贿赂和保龄球的不着边际的故事。杰夫·布里奇斯在片中饰演了“城里人”的勒博斯基,约翰·古德曼也是影片主要演员之一。如今这部影片已经风靡全球,死心塌地的影迷甚至举行了属于影片自己的电影节,他们把自己打扮成“城里人”,并宣读影片对白。四个狂热影迷还在2002年写了本名为《我是勒博斯基,你也是勒博斯基》的书,为影片歌功颂德。勒博斯基节的参加者们每年都在保龄巷欢聚一堂,共庆盛事。五年来,勒博斯基节已经发展成了一个国际盛事,上周伦敦就举行了一次勒博斯基节。BBC新闻记者布雷兹·海塞尔格兰前往采访了“城里人”的影迷们。 THE HOSTESS: Now what makes a cult film? I think the Coen Brothers, “The Big Lebowski,” is a good place to start with this one, a rambling tale of lies, corruption, and bowling in early 90’s Los Angeles. Starring “the Dude,” Jeff Bridges, and John Goodman. It’s now so popular that it’s now spawned a whole festival of its own for die-hard fans to come dress up as the Dude and quote lines, of course, from the film. A setup of four particularly obsessive fans in 2002, who also wrote the tribute book, “I’m a Lebowski, You’re a Lebowski.” The Lebowski Fest participants meet every year in a bowling alley, of course they do. In the last five years the Lebowski Fest has grown into an international phenomenon and the convention was in London for the first time last week. We sent the BBC’s Blaze Hesselgran to meet the fans of the Dude. 主持人:什么是邪典电影呢?我想,由柯恩兄弟担任编剧的影片《谋杀绿脚趾》是一个很好的例子。影片讲述了九十年代发生在洛杉矶的一个关于谎言、贿赂和保龄球的不着边际的故事。杰夫?布里奇斯在片中饰演了“城里人”的勒博斯基,约翰?古德曼也是影片主要演员之一。如今这部影片已经风靡全球,死心塌地的影迷甚至举行了属于影片自己的电影节,他们把自己打扮成“城里人”,并宣读影片对白。四个狂热影迷还在2002年写了本名为《我是勒博斯基,你也是勒博斯基》的书,为影片歌功颂德。勒博斯基节的参加者们每年都在保龄巷欢聚一堂,共庆盛事。五年来,勒博斯基节已经发展成了一个国际盛事,上周伦敦就举行了一次勒博斯基节。BBC新闻记者布雷兹?海塞尔格兰前往采访了“城里人”的影迷们。 GIRL: I got dragged along by my boyfriend. It’s his favorite film. And he makes me sit and watch it with him and dress up like this. 女孩:我是被我男朋友拉来的。《谋杀绿脚趾》是他最喜爱的电影。在他的影响下,我坐下来老老实实地陪他看完了这部电影,现在打扮成这样也是受他影响。 BLAZE HESSELGRAN: What are you dressed up like? 布雷兹?海塞尔格兰:你们这是一身什么打扮呢? GIRL: The dream sequence Viking, Maude, so I think it’s one of his little things that he likes. 女孩:都是影片中间出现的一些人物,我想这些都是他喜欢的。 GUY: It’s so funny seeing everybody sort of turn up in costume and sort of like-minded weirdos, you know, who love the Big Lebowski. It’s a quite private obsession that everyone comes out with. 男孩:大家都穿着剧中的演出服,这真是件有趣的事情。对《谋杀绿脚趾》的影迷们来说,也是很奇怪的。每个人的展示都代表着他们的个人爱好。 BLAZE HESSELGRAN: What do you like about the film? what brought you down here? 布雷兹?海塞尔格兰:这部影片什么地方吸引了你?是什么给了你来到这里的动力? GUY: The characters, the storyline, the depth of the film is really good. You can watch it ten times and notice something new every time. It’s just really well written and really well cast and it’s really funny. 男孩:这是一部很有深度的影片,无论是人物还是故事情节都很引人入胜。每次重看这部影片都会有新发现。影片的剧本和拍摄都很好,真的很有趣。 GIRL: He’s the Dude and I’m the waitress for the Nihilists. 女孩:他打扮成“城里人”,我是尼西李斯特的侍女。 GUY: We’re from Holland, so we flew over and want to see London. There was a Lebowski Fest and our first time oversea so we thought we could combine those two. 男孩:我们来自荷兰,本来我们是来伦敦旅游的。发现这里正在举办勒博斯基节,所以我们想可以加入他们,这使得我们的第一次出国旅游很有意义 BLAZE HESSELGRAN: What do you like so much about Lebowski? 布雷兹?海塞尔格兰:你们为什么如此迷恋勒博斯基呢? GIRL: I didn’t really understand it the first three times I saw it. And then the characters, the lines, just everything about it really, every time I see it I find something different. 女孩:其实我前几次目睹这个勒博斯基节的盛事时也不能理解。但当我真正了解了影片里的人物和故事情节,我被深深吸引了,每次你都能发现不同的地方。 GUY: Watching it before coming out here, in preparation really. There’s like tons and tons of narrative and the jokes come so thick and fast and there’s a massive depth of characterization. But first and foremost it’s just hilarious, it’s just very funny. 男孩:只有完整的看过这部影片,做好了准备之后才能来参加这样的活动。影片有许多叙述成分,大量的的玩笑,还有大篇幅的人物特写。最重要的是,影片有浓厚的喜剧色彩,真的太有趣了。 BLAZE HESSELGRAN: So are you guys going bowling tonight? 布雷兹?海塞尔格兰:那么你们今晚会去打保龄球吗? GUY: You’re goddamn right we are! Sweet, let’s go bowling. 男孩:当然了,我们一定会去的!亲爱的,晚上我们去打保龄球吧! THE HOSTESS: The cult film that is The Big Lebowski coming back to life at the Lebowski Fest. Now, to try to pin down what is and what makes a cult film. Film writer, Jason Wood, joins me in our Bushhouse studio. 主持人:《谋杀绿脚趾》就是一部从屏幕延伸到现实的电影,是一部真正意义上的邪典电影。现在,我们研究一下到底什么是邪典电影。让我们连线电影剧作家詹森?伍德。 JASON WOOD: By definition I’d say a cult film is something which isn’t necessarily made for a mainstream audience. But it’s normally, I would say, a film which is able to take risks because it comes from outside of the system. Hence you’ve got a lot of kind of directors who’ve gone on to sustain healthy careers in Hollywood, beginning with cult pictures. Directors such as Peter Bodonnavich, Jonathon Demi, even. He made a film called Caged Heat, a prison film in Melbourne and Howard. So it’s a kind of good breeding ground for these directors. But a cult film also, beyond that, is quite often a film which, maybe doesn’t find an audience on its original theatrical release, but then goes on to find an audience through word of mouth, or even on DVD. And also through very hardcore fans. Cult films tend to be defined by the audiences that take to them and that promote them. And the audiences of cult films tend to be extremely, fiercely committed to them, and they sustain the life of the film way beyond its original release date. 詹森?伍德:从定义上讲,邪典电影是指那些并非为主流观众制作的电影。通常他们都会承担相当大的风险,因为不一定能被广大观众所接受。不过也有许多好莱坞的导演为了维持他们的职业生涯,都开始尝试制作邪典电影了。比如彼特?博德那维奇,甚至乔纳森?德梅。德梅曾在墨尔本和霍华德制作了一部电影叫做《监狱风云录》,这是一部关于监狱的影片。从某种意义上说,好莱坞就像是邪典电影导演的摇篮。然而,有时候邪典电影也可能遭遇首映时观众寥寥无几的惨境,随着口口相传或者DVD出版以后才渐渐为人熟知,当然还是要借助那些忠实观众的传播力。邪典电影是由喜爱和传播这些电影的观众定义的。而且这些观众通常对邪典电影有着及其强烈的热衷程度,从电影首映起,他们就一路支持。 THE HOSTESS: Which explains of course the following that The Big Lebowski has generated. But when we think about that film and how it did bring about such a massive and continuous uptight. The Coen Brothers, in general, would it be fair to say that all their films are cult films? 主持人:通过你的回答我们知道了勒博斯基是怎么产生的。但当我们想起《谋杀绿脚趾》这部电影时,还是会惊叹它所带来的巨大而持续的观众效应。那么总的来说,柯恩兄弟的电影全部都是邪典电影吗? JASON WOOD: They began as cult film makers of course, with films like Blood Simple but like many other cult film makers they’ve kind of dallied in the mainstream. They did a remake of The Ladykillers with Tom Hanks, which I felt was a very, very poor film. So, you know, they’ve kind of dallied in the mainstream and I think they got burned. The Big Lebowski is probably, of all the Coen Brothers’ films, it’s the one that’s probably had the most enduring appeal and the most enduring longevity. When people think of cult films the Big Lebowski is probably one of the model films that people would give as an example, I think. 詹森?伍德:起初,柯恩兄弟只创作像《血迷宫》这样的电影,不过正如其他邪典电影导演的作风一样,他们的电影也有戏谑主流的味道。比如他们的作品《师奶杀手》,由汤姆?汉克斯担任主演,但我个人认为这是一部非常劣质的电影。过于非主流使得他们有点引火焚身了。所以《谋杀绿脚趾》可以说是柯恩兄弟最具吸引力和生命力的作品了。当人们谈起邪典电影时,大家可能都会拿《谋杀绿脚趾》来举例子。 THE HOSTESS: I mean, it’s also a very funny film. I think at this point it’s time to introduce “Withnail and I.” 主持人:是的,我也认为这是一部很有趣的电影。那么现在给介绍一下《我与长指甲》吧。 RALPH BROWN: Here are your pores, that pick up signals from the cosmos and transmit them directly into the brain. This is the reason baldheaded men are uptight. 拉尔夫?布朗:这些是头部的毛孔,他们从宇宙中接收信号然后直接将这些信号传输到大脑。这就是光头老们比一般人聪明的原因。 THE HOSTESS: Ralph Brown as Donny in “Withnail and I.” I mean the root of this film’s cultness surely is weird humor. 主持人:拉尔夫?布朗在《我与长指甲》中饰演唐尼。这部影片邪典的本质在于它的另类幽默。 JASON WOOD: Yea and it’s also one of those films that students have really taken to. You know, It was interesting, I was on holiday last weekend, and I watched the film again and it is a film that completely stands up and every time you watch it you see something else in it. And I think that’s the strength not only the writing by the director Bruce Robertson but also the performances, Richard Lee Grant, Paul McGein, both of whom are at the very early stages of their career. I think it’s very sad that either haven’t been better. But as well as being very funny and being very well performed and actually very well directed. There’s a kind of poignancy and a kind of melancholy to the film. I mean, it is absolutely a comedy but the last sort of 15 minutes or so, where it becomes apparent that the two friends are going to split up and go their separate ways, it’s quite achingly sad. 詹森?伍德:是的,而且这是一部很受学生欢迎的邪典电影。这部电影很有意思,你知道,我上周休假期间又重看了一遍,真的很有看头,每次都能看出一些之前没有发现的细节。我想这不仅仅是导演布鲁斯?罗宾逊的功劳,还要归功于影片的主要演员理查德?李?格兰特和保尔?迈克格恩,尽管他们还都是新手。其实他们还可以演得更好。但整个影片引人入胜的情节、两位演员的尽力表演以及导演的成功指导给影片赋予了很高的观赏价值。影片虽然是喜剧,但也透露出了一丝辛酸和忧郁,尤其在影片的最后15分钟,这两个朋友从此将要各奔东西,不禁让人心疼。 RICHARD LEE GRANT: What a piece of work is a man. How noble in reason! How infinite in faculties! How like an angel in apprehension! How like a God! The beauty of the world! Paragon of animals! 理查德?李?格兰特:人类是一件多么了不得的杰作!多么高贵的理性!多么伟大的能力!在行为上多么像一个天使!在智慧上多么像一个天神!宇宙的精华!万物的灵长! THE HOSTESS: Richard Lee Grant in “Withnail and I.” 主持人:这是理查德?李?格兰特在《我与长指甲》当中的台词 单词注释: cult film 邪典电影,指在小圈子内被支持者喜爱但难以获得较大票房成功的电影。 Rambling adj.不着边际的,散漫的 tribute n.贡品,颂词 longevity n.生命,寿命 poignancy n.辛酸 melancholy n.忧郁 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/ygxwtl/506674.html |