英国新闻听力 邪典电影(一)(在线收听


Cult Film Part I-邪典电影(一)


THE HOSTESS: Now what makes a cult film? I think the Coen Brothers, “The Big Lebowski,” is a good place to start with this one, a rambling tale of lies, corruption, and bowling in early 90’s Los Angeles. Starring “the Dude,” Jeff Bridges, and John Goodman. It’s now so popular that it’s now spawned a whole festival of its own for die-hard fans to come dress up as the Dude and quote lines, of course, from the film. A setup of four particularly obsessive fans in 2002, who also wrote the tribute book, “I’m a Lebowski, You’re a Lebowski.” The Lebowski Fest participants meet every year in a bowling alley, of course they do. In the last five years the Lebowski Fest has grown into an international phenomenon and the convention was in London for the first time last week. We sent the BBC’s Blaze Hesselgran to meet the fans of the Dude. 


GIRL: I got dragged along by my boyfriend. It’s his favorite film. And he makes me sit and watch it with him and dress up like this. 


BLAZE HESSELGRAN: What are you dressed up like? 


GIRL: The dream sequence Viking, Maude, so I think it’s one of his little things that he likes. 


GUY: It’s so funny seeing everybody sort of turn up in costume and sort of like-minded weirdos, you know, who love the Big Lebowski. It’s a quite private obsession that everyone comes out with. 


BLAZE HESSELGRAN: What do you like about the film? what brought you down here? 


GUY: The characters, the storyline, the depth of the film is really good. You can watch it ten times and notice something new every time. It’s just really well written and really well cast and it’s really funny. 


GIRL: He’s the Dude and I’m the waitress for the Nihilists.


GUY: We’re from Holland, so we flew over and want to see London. There was a Lebowski Fest and our first time oversea so we thought we could combine those two.


BLAZE HESSELGRAN: What do you like so much about Lebowski?


GIRL: I didn’t really understand it the first three times I saw it. And then the characters, the lines, just everything about it really, every time I see it I find something different. 


GUY: Watching it before coming out here, in preparation really. There’s like tons and tons of narrative and the jokes come so thick and fast and there’s a massive depth of characterization. But first and foremost it’s just hilarious, it’s just very funny.


BLAZE HESSELGRAN: So are you guys going bowling tonight? 


GUY: You’re goddamn right we are! Sweet, let’s go bowling. 


THE HOSTESS: The cult film that is The Big Lebowski coming back to life at the Lebowski Fest. Now, to try to pin down what is and what makes a cult film. Film writer, Jason Wood, joins me in our Bushhouse studio. 


JASON WOOD: By definition I’d say a cult film is something which isn’t necessarily made for a mainstream audience. But it’s normally, I would say, a film which is able to take risks because it comes from outside of the system. Hence you’ve got a lot of kind of directors who’ve gone on to sustain healthy careers in Hollywood, beginning with cult pictures. Directors such as Peter Bodonnavich, Jonathon Demi, even. He made a film called Caged Heat, a prison film in Melbourne and Howard. So it’s a kind of good breeding ground for these directors. But a cult film also, beyond that, is quite often a film which, maybe doesn’t find an audience on its original theatrical release, but then goes on to find an audience through word of mouth, or even on DVD. And also through very hardcore fans. Cult films tend to be defined by the audiences that take to them and that promote them. And the audiences of cult films tend to be extremely, fiercely committed to them, and they sustain the life of the film way beyond its original release date. 


THE HOSTESS: Which explains of course the following that The Big Lebowski has generated. But when we think about that film and how it did bring about such a massive and continuous uptight. The Coen Brothers, in general, would it be fair to say that all their films are cult films? 


JASON WOOD: They began as cult film makers of course, with films like Blood Simple but like many other cult film makers they’ve kind of dallied in the mainstream. They did a remake of The Ladykillers with Tom Hanks, which I felt was a very, very poor film. So, you know, they’ve kind of dallied in the mainstream and I think they got burned. The Big Lebowski is probably, of all the Coen Brothers’ films, it’s the one that’s probably had the most enduring appeal and the most enduring longevity. When people think of cult films the Big Lebowski is probably one of the model films that people would give as an example, I think. 


THE HOSTESS: I mean, it’s also a very funny film. I think at this point it’s time to introduce “Withnail and I.” 


RALPH BROWN: Here are your pores, that pick up signals from the cosmos and transmit them directly into the brain. This is the reason baldheaded men are uptight. 


THE HOSTESS: Ralph Brown as Donny in “Withnail and I.” I mean the root of this film’s cultness surely is weird humor. 


JASON WOOD: Yea and it’s also one of those films that students have really taken to. You know, It was interesting, I was on holiday last weekend, and I watched the film again and it is a film that completely stands up and every time you watch it you see something else in it. And I think that’s the strength not only the writing by the director Bruce Robertson but also the performances, Richard Lee Grant, Paul McGein, both of whom are at the very early stages of their career. I think it’s very sad that either haven’t been better. But as well as being very funny and being very well performed and actually very well directed. There’s a kind of poignancy and a kind of melancholy to the film. I mean, it is absolutely a comedy but the last sort of 15 minutes or so, where it becomes apparent that the two friends are going to split up and go their separate ways, it’s quite achingly sad. 


RICHARD LEE GRANT: What a piece of work is a man. How noble in reason! How infinite in faculties! How like an angel in apprehension! How like a God! The beauty of the world! Paragon of animals! 


THE HOSTESS: Richard Lee Grant in “Withnail and I.” 



cult film 邪典电影,指在小圈子内被支持者喜爱但难以获得较大票房成功的电影。 

Rambling adj.不着边际的,散漫的 

tribute n.贡品,颂词 

longevity n.生命,寿命 

poignancy n.辛酸 

melancholy n.忧郁
