2020年经济学人 一周要闻 朝鲜炸毁联络办大楼 美洲开发银行"换将" 亚特兰大黑人被枪杀(在线收听

The world this week




Brazil reported a record 35,000 new cases of COVID-19 in a day. Even that grim figure is widely regarded as an undercount. India is now recording tens of thousands of new infections each week. In America, Florida, Texas and Arizona set daily records for new cases. Although many places are easing lockdowns, Anthony Fauci, the leading adviser to the White House on infectious diseases, warned that the pandemic is far from over: “The numbers speak for themselves.”


North Korea blew up the building used for meetings between its officials and those from South Korea. It said the explosion was retaliation for unflattering leaflets about its supreme leader, sent over the border via balloons by defectors, whom North Korea called “rubbish-like mongrel dogs”.


A court in the Philippines found Maria Ressa guilty of libel for alleging links between a businessman and a judge. Ms Ressa is the boss of Rappler, a news website that is critical of the country’s strongman president, Rodrigo Duterte. Her lawyer said the message to other journalists was “Keep quiet, or you’ll be next.”

菲律宾一家法院判定玛利亚·瑞萨(Maria Ressa)犯有诽谤罪,因为她声称一名商人和一名法官有关系。瑞萨是新闻网站Rappler的老板,该网站对铁腕总统杜特尔特持批评态度。她的律师表示,向其他记者传达的信息是“噤声吧,不然下一个受害者就是你。”

Steven Mnuchin, America’s treasury secretary, said his government will nominate Mauricio Claver-Carone, a staff member of Donald Trump’s National Security Council, to lead the Inter-American Development Bank. All the bank’s four presidents since its founding in 1959 have been from Latin America. The US has 30% of the bank’s shares, the largest stake of any country.

美国财政部长史蒂文·努钦(Steven Mnuchin)表示,美国政府将提名特朗普的国家安全委员会成员毛里西奥·克拉弗-卡罗内领导美洲开发银行。自1959年成立以来,该行的四位行长都来自拉丁美洲。美国拥有该银行30%的股份,是持有该银行股份最多的国家。

Venezuela’s Supreme Court removed the leaders of two opposition parties, Justice First and Democratic Action. It replaced them with men whom the parties had previously expelled for being stooges of Nicolás Maduro, the country’s dictator.

委内瑞拉最高法院罢免了两个反对党“正义第一”和“民主行动”的领导人。并且扶持两个政党先前驱逐的人取而代之,这些人是该国独裁者尼古拉斯·马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)的羽翼。

America’s Supreme Court ruled that the 1964 Civil Rights Act makes it illegal to fire workers for being gay or transgender. More than half the states allowed such discrimination. The 6-3 majority decision was written by Neil Gorsuch, a Trump appointee.

美国最高法院裁定,1964年的《民权法案》规定,解雇同性恋或跨性别员工是非法的。超过一半的州允许这种歧视存在。投票结果是6比3,这一结果由特朗普任命的尼尔·戈萨奇(Neil Gorsuch)撰写。

A white policeman in Atlanta who shot dead a black man when he took the officer’s Taser weapon was charged with murder. Republicans in the Senate unveiled their own set of police reforms. These are less radical than those put forward by Democrats but support the creation of a database to track police officers with a record of misconduct.

