澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 同极端恐怖组织作战澳大利亚小伙被误认为恐怖分子(在线收听

The FBI says it's too soon to say what led a young couple to kill 14 people at a Christmas party in California.

A raid of the couple's house found an arsenal of weaponry, which authorities say shows they had a clear mission.

A vigil has been held to remember the victims of the mass shooting.

The fallout from federal MP Ian Macfarlane's shock defection to the national party is continuing, with the nationals putting pressure on the prime minister to give the party another cabinet position.

Some liberals have accused Mr Macfarlane of disloyalty and claim he just wants to get back into the ministry.

Australian anti-Islamic state fighter Ashley Dyball says he's been charged as a terrorist and will be deported from Germany to Australia.

The 23-year-old Brisbane man has been fighting against Islamic state forces with a Kurdish militia in northern Syria but was travelling through Europe when he was detained.







