新奇事件簿 少女自残率出现激增(在线收听

There has been a steep rise in reports of self-harm among young teenage girls in the United Kingdom. A new study from the British Medical Journal reports that more and more girls aged 13 to 16 suffer from self-inflicted harm. Researchers from the University of Manchester looked at data on nearly 17,000 patients from more than 600 doctors' surgeries. The researchers found that there was a 68 per cent increase in self-harm among 13- to 16-year-old girls over the three-year period of the study. During the same period, rates stayed constant among 10- to 12-year-old girls and 17- to 19-year-olds. The study said self-harm rates among girls are three times higher than those for boys.


Doctor Nav Kapur, study author and professor of psychiatry and population health, said increasing stress and psychological problems were probably what was fuelling the trend. He said: "We must take self-harm seriously. It's important to understand its underlying causes." A UK children's charity said: "Self-harm can often be an expression of a deeper problem, which is why early intervention services to support these children are vital. Without this, the consequences really can be a matter of life or death." Self-harm is one of the biggest risk factors for suicide among teens. Suicide is now the second most common cause of death in the under-25s worldwide.

这份研究的作者,精神病学和人口卫生教授Nav Kapur医生表示,不断增加的压力和心理问题可能加剧了这一趋势。他表示:“我们必须严肃对待自我伤害的问题。必须深入理解潜在的原因。”英国一个儿童慈善机构表示:“自我伤害通常反映了更深入的问题,所以对这些少女进行早期干预至关重要。否则,结果可能危及生命,甚至造成死亡。”自我伤害是青少年自杀一个最大的风险因素。目前,自杀是全世界25岁以下年轻人死亡第二大原因。
