英语新闻听写 特斯拉为何辞退数百名员工(在线收听

The San Jose Mercury News has reported that luxury electric vehicle maker Tesla has fired between 400 and 700 employees this week, including factory workers, engineers, and managers.

San Jose Mercury News报道称,豪华智能电动车制造商特斯拉本周辞退400到700名员工,其中包括工厂工人、工程师以及主管。

Tesla emailed a statement saying the dismissals were part of an annual company-wide review.


Earlier this month, the Palo Alto-based company said that "production bottlenecks" had left Tesla behind in its ramp-up for the new mass-market Model 3 sedan.

本月早些时候,位于帕罗奥图的公司称,“生产瓶颈”使特斯拉在Model 3轿车的销售量提升中远远落后。
