2020年经济学人 家庭娱乐专栏--回到水中(1)(在线收听

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Home entertainment


Back in the water


Hidden depths


Bungling officials confront an invisible threat in a blockbuster about a fish. “A film about ashark” was Steven Spielberg’s description of “Jaws”, the movie released in 1975 thatestablished his box-office power as a director. More elaborate interpretations abound for histale of a ravenous great white terrorising the genteel seaside town of Amity on Long Island. Isit a comment on corruption after Watergate, a parable of the Vietnam war or an illustrationof Freudian castration anxiety? Fidel Castro, in an excursion into film criticism, reckoned it wasa devastating Marxist critique of American capitalism.


The movie supports so many theories because of its layered plot and styles—one reason it isamenable to repeated viewings. Nerve-tingling suspense is intercut with picket- fencemelodrama and humour. It is a buddy movie crossed with an adventure on the high seas. From the perspective of the pandemic, though, “Jaws” seems at heart to be a film about theuntameable power of nature. An invisible, relentless assailant makes no distinction as towhom it attacks. Like some leaders today, the officials who must confront it are vacillating andhelpless.


Much of the tension is achieved through the power of suggestion. The shark is not fully seenuntil long into the story (mostly because the mechanical models constantly malfunctioned). As in the lockdown, when the streets outside are the domain of a deadly bug, the sea that givesthe beast its cover is the enemy, too, made ominous and forbidding by the spare andportentous score. Where can you turn when a killer might be anywhere?

