澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 特朗普正式成为共和党总统候选人 俄罗斯恐无缘里约奥运会(在线收听

The top stories today. Turkey has suspended 15,000 school staff and 1500 university employees in the wake of last week's failed coup. Nine thousand police and 2000 judges have already been dismissed. Thousands of soldiers and police have been taken into custody.

Donald Trump has been formally endorsed as the Republican candidate for the US presidential election in november. He easily got the backing of the 1237 delegates he needed at the party's National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Mr Trump's tally was more than four times greater than that of his nearest rival, Ted Cruz.

A school cleaner has pleaded guilty to the rape and murder of teacher Stephanie Scott, in the Riverina Region of New South Wales. Vincent Stanford was arrested four days after MS Scott disappeared on Easter sunday last year. Her burnt body was later found 70 kilometres from Leeton, where both worked at the local high school.

Russia is still waiting to find out if it can send a team to next month's Rio Olympics after calls for it to be banned for running a state-sponsored doping program. The International Olympic Committee met overnight and announced it would explore its legal options before deciding whether to ban all Russian competitors from the games.




