澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 希拉里获民主党总统候选人提名 俄罗斯赛艇队无缘里约奥运(在线收听

The top stories today. Pressure is mounting to extend the Juvenile Detention Royal Commission nationally. Federal cabinet will meet tomorrow to consider the terms of reference.

Hillary Clinton has secured the US. Democratic party's nomination for the White House, becoming the first woman in US history to head the ticket of a major party. Delegates from South Dakota gave Mrs Clinton 15 votes ensuring that she had more than the 2,383 votes needed to win the nomination.

The high court has dismissed a class action by thousands of ANZ customers challenging the bank's late payment fees on credit cards. The fees are charged by the bank on top of interest when the minimum payment is not met by the due date. Customers claimed that the fees were unenforceable and the bank was engaging in unconscionable conduct.

And Australia's women's eight rowing team are on their way to Rio after the Russian boat was banned for doping violations. The Australian team has been training in Melbourne in the lead up to the games, hopeful of the prospect of a late call up.




