澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 希拉里发表接受提名演说 陆克文欲竞选联合国秘书长(在线收听

The top stories today. The federal government has defended its handling of the Juvenile Detention Royal Commission, following criticism from indigenous groups. A number of peak bodies have accused the coalition of ignoring them over the inquiry's terms of reference. They've also criticised the appointment of the former Chief Justice of the NT Supreme Court, Brian Martin, as commissioner.

History in the making. Hillary Clinton will take to the stage today to give a much-anticipated acceptance speech after her selection as the Democratic party's nominee for president. Powerful Democrats including president Barack Obama have told the convention Donald Trump would be a dangerous choice for America.

The prime minister Malcolm Turnbull is expected to announce today whether he will support former prime minister Kevin Rudd's bid to be the next United Nations Secretary-General. Mr Turnbull says he wants to talk to MR Rudd before he declares cabinet's decision. Twelve other candidates have put their hands up.

And the Broncos losses continue with a defeat against the lowly ranked Roosters. The Sydney Roosters ended a six game losing streak with a 32-16 victory at the sydney football stadium. This is the Bronco's seventh defeat in nine games.




