澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳普查网站遭网络攻击关闭 新南威尔士州全面禁止赛狗(在线收听

The federal government is resisting calls for an independent inquiry into Tuesday's failed census. The Bureau of Statistics initially claimed it shut down the census website after several cyber attacks but that was later contradicted by the minister in charge, who blamed the outage on a system failure and an overcautious response. Prime minister Malcolm Turnbull says the government's cyber security advisor Alistair Macgibbon will conduct a thorough review. The census website is this morning still off line.

A bill to ban greyhound racing in New South Wales will go before the state's lower house for debate, after passing through the upper house last night. The law would mean anyone found breeding or keeping greyhounds to race, will face fines of up to $11,000 or up to a year in jail.

NSW police will resume their search this morning, for a man missing after a weekend dance party in the Hawkesbury region. 24 year old Tiemuzhen Chalaer hasn't been seen since he walked into bushland on Sunday. Police say they have grave concerns for his welfare, because of the length of time he's been missing and his unfamiliarity with the area.

And to Rio, Australian swimmer Cate Campbell has broken an Olympic record, finishing the women's 100-metre freestyle heat in 52.78 seconds. Her effortless win has sent her into the semi-final together with her sister Bronte, who came third in her heat.




