澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 悉尼森林大火疑为人为纵火 雅加达穆斯林抗议基督徒省长(在线收听

The top stories from ABC News.


Police have charged a 16 year old boy over a bushfire which destroyed a home and damaged several properties in Sydney's west yesterday. Police initially arrested a 21 and a 17-year-old over the incident but they were later released.


The prime minister Malcolm Turnbull is in Launceston for the Tasmanian state liberal council today — where changing the colour of ballot papers and the future of the five cent piece are expected to dominate the agenda. Asylum seekers are also tipped to be a hot topic — after Mr Turnbull was heckled by people protesting against his government's asylum seeker policy.


Indonesian officials confirm one person has died and several others have been wounded during clashes between hardline muslim protesters and police in Jakarta. Tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets demanding Jakarta's Christian governor be arrested over comments he made about the Koran.


And in cricket, Australian vice-captain David Warner says his bowlers will have to work hard to regain control of the opening test against South Africa. The Proteas will resume at 2 for 104 a lead of 102 runs. Earlier, the Australians were dismissed for 244.

