英国新闻听力 桑给巴尔岛毒品泛滥以及所引发的危机(在线收听

桑给巴尔岛毒品泛滥以及所引发的危机(Drugs Abuse in Zanzibar and Devastating Influence)



1,addict n. 入迷的人,上瘾的人 

2,devastating adj. 破坏性的 

3,abuse n. 滥用 

4,rehabilitation n. 康复,复原

5,detoxation n. 戒毒,戒瘾

ANNOUNCER: When I went to the Indian Ocean island of Zanzibar, off the coast of Tanzania a few years ago, I loved getting lost around the old alleyways of Stonetown and marvelling at the really white sand on the beaches. But what I didn’t realise was that as well as being famous for tourism, Zanzibar was starting to get a reputation for drugs. More young people are starting to use Heroin, but because it’s not as pure as it used to be, they’re finding new, more dangerous ways of getting a high. Ways, which might be spreading HIV. Daniel Dickinson reports from Zanzibar.

(Local language)

DANIEL DICKINSON: A young mechanic is taught the basics about fixing outboard motors at a workshop in Milindi, the port area of Zanzibar’s historic Stonetown. The man running this small workshop is 32-year-old Salem Jidawi, a former drug addict who was hooked on heroin for 15 years. He’s brought me to Milindi to show me Zanzibar’s drug scene. I’m looking through he bars of the workshop and can see groups of young men, huddled in dug out canoes on the shore just meters away, who Salem tells me are injecting heroin. This is a scene that tourists just don’t see. Heroin is readily available around here. Salem has just shown me a neatly wrapped packet of tinfoil which contains the powder which they call brown sugar. This costs around 1 USD. The problem is the quality is low. It’s mixed with flour or bleach. So addicts are increasingly injecting the drug rather than smoking or sniffing it, a technique called chasing the dragon.

(Local language)

AFRICAN MAN: The use of the injection began ages back, but due to the poor quality of the drugs itself, the drug users now get a better and higher kick from using injections, because it goes directly to the blood system. Chasing the dragon and other just don’t…doesn’t give the satisfaction they’re after.

DANIEL DICKINSON: Salem says his habit costs up to 15 USD a day. Cheap by western standards but prohibitably expensive on a island where the average wage is less than a dollar a day. Drug addicts who can’t afford heroin are now adopting a new practice which could have devastating consequences. It’s called “Flash blood” and involves not just the sharing of needles but also the sharing of blood. It works like this, the addict injects him or herself with heroin, then withdraws his own blood back into the syringe. The blood which has heroin in it is then injected by a second addict. Not surprisingly, doctors, especially those focused on the spread of HIV are extremely concerned. Doctor Stephen Esimba is a drug abuse specialist.

STEPHEN ESIMBA: Such sharing is terribly dangerous. If the.. the first person was HIV infected, automatically you get it as well, because of the.. the virus, the HIV virus. So, that is really a direct transmission.

DANIEL DICKINSON: The problem of HIV is under 1% in Zanzibar, well below the 7% on mainland Tanzania, but according to Dr Esimba, that could change.

STEPHEN ESIMBA: The spread of HIV can be very fast, depending on the number that are doing such practices of sharing. Once these people, individuals get infected, then if they also practice and self sakes that can speed up that whole vicious cycle you see, of where HIV transmission.

DANIEL DICKINSON: No one knows just how many addicts are using the flash blood technique. If the problem grows, there are concerns that Zanzibar does not have the facilities to deal with it. Nagini Hassan who works for Zia Dessa, a local NGO which helps addicts, says the only treatment option at the moment is a psychiatric hospital.

NAGINI HASSAN: When it’s very serious, they are sent there because sometimes, the…the…family itself can’t hold the problem anymore, so the only thing they do, they do send to the mental hospital.

DANIEL DICKINSON: Are there any other facilities available?

NAGINI HASSAN: No, I must say no. Some of the NGO in the government itself are trying to look for a rehabilitation or detoxation centre. It does need quite a lot of funds.

DANIEL DICKINSON: The danger of HIV transmission could help to solve that funding problem. There’s plenty of money from international donors for HIV/ AIDS initiatives, but little for drug abuse problems. Given the hidden nature of addiction and the lack of real data on Flash Blood, it may not become clear for some time just what response is required.

ANNOUNCER: Daniel Dickinson reporting from Zanzibar.










丹尼尔?迪克森:没有人知道究竟有多少人在使用这种“变血的”方法吸毒。如果问题继续恶化,就会带来对桑给巴尔岛没有设施机构来处理这种情况的担忧。纳给尼?哈森在Zia Dessa工作,Zia Dessa是当地的一个帮助吸毒者公益性组织,他说,现在治疗的唯一选择就是精神病院。





