
After obtaining a diversity visa also known as the green card lottery, Eric Alamsha came to the US from indonesia at the end of 2019 with his wife Sari and two children. He used to work in the IT sector for eight years in the indonesian capital Jakarta, but even with extensive work experience he still has not been able to find a full-time job. Out of all the applications I sent whether retail or other jobs in the IT field, I only get call backs from essential jobs like in the pharmacies, grocery stores and home improvement stores. Maybe I have to put my search on hold to find the other IT jobs. In the meantime just to get by Alamsha is working as a cashier at a home depot store, a hardware outlet in the state of maryland. It's considered an essential business that's still operating in the middle of the pandemic.


Vina Agnesia was also a green card lottery winner from Indonesia. She took leave from her final year as a dentistry student in Padang on the island of Sumatra to move to new york city by herself at the end of 2019. With no college degree nor work experience Agnesia found it difficult to find a full-time job. She worked part-time as a server in a Japanese restaurant for a few months until it was closed due to the lockdown. She found herself unemployed in the US at the epicenter of a pandemic in one of the most expensive cities in the world. My parents are worried about me not only because of the coronavirus but financially as well, because I'm unemployed they are worried thinking how I can get by and then I told them don't worry. I'm legal here so I'm eligible to get government assistance. The assistance she's referring to is the 1200 dollars stimulus check as well as the pandemic unemployment assistance. Under the PUA Agnesia receives about 600 every week which she uses to pay rent, utilities, food and transportation while searching for work. Meanwhile the Alamsha family remains optimistic about living a new life in America in the midst of uncertainties. We came here for our children, for our children's education. We have already made our decision, so we have to go through it no matter what. I just hope things will get better. The Alamsha family and Agnesia are some of about 55,000 people that come to the US. Every year through the green card lottery many of them now just trying to survive. In Maryland Fina Muttaidi voa news

维娜·阿格尼西亚也是一名来自印度尼西亚的绿卡抽签中奖者。她作为牙科学生的最后一年开始休假,于2019年底,从苏门答腊岛独自搬到纽约市。由于没有大学学历和工作经验,阿格尼西亚发现很难找到一份全职工作。她在一家日本餐馆做了几个月的兼职服务员,直到餐馆因封锁而关门。她发现自己在美国疫情的中心失业了,而自己正身处在世界上消费最昂贵的城市之一。我的父母很担心我,不仅是因为冠状病毒,还有经济原因,因为我失业了,他们很担心我该如何谋生,我告诉他们不要担心。我在这里是合法的,所以我有资格获得政府援助。她提到的援助是指1200美元的经济刺激计划以及疫情的失业援助。根据PUA协议,阿格尼西亚每周会收到600美元,可以用来支付房租、水电费、食物以及找工作时的交通费。同时,阿拉姆沙一家对于在充满不确定性的美国过上新生活持有乐观态度,我们来这里是为了孩子,是为了孩子的教育问题。我们已经做好了决定,所以无论如何我们都要挺过去。我只希望事情会好起来。阿拉姆沙一家和阿格尼西亚是来美国的大约5.5万人之一,每年通过绿卡抽签,他们中的许多人现在只是为了生存。美国之音记者Fina Muttaidi,马里兰州报道
