澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 南澳知名议员组建新政党 澳籍男子在泰国被判死刑(在线收听

Hello, Gemma Veness with the latest headlines from ABC News.


South Australian senator Cory Bernardi has officially quit the Liberal party. He's establishing his own party, the Australian Conservatives. In a speech to colleagues senator Bernardi said he was reluctant and relieved to leave the party, saying the decision "weighed heavily on his heart".


An expert witness from the US has heaped praise on the Royal Commission into child sexual abuse, for its efforts to help victims and their families. Father Thomas Doyle is a consultant on sexual abuse by clergy and has been working for three decades to get the Catholic Church to deal openly with child abuse and its consequences. Dr doyle says the Royal Commission's investigation will have ramifications world-wide.


An Australian man has been sentenced to death by a Thai court, for the kidnapping and murder of a Hells Angels member who was alleged to have been a major drug trafficker. Antonio Bagnato was found guilty of murder, deprivation of liberty and disposing of a body. The judge said the killing of Wayne Schneider in 2015 was premeditated.


A house has collapsed and people have been rescued from flood waters after heavy downpours across Sydney. Fire and rescue says no one was inside the home in Sydney's north west when it collapsed. Emergency services evacuated 17 people from a three story unit block in Marrickville.

