澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 特朗普称不坚持两国方案 新西兰山火已致逾千人疏散(在线收听

Hello I'm Fauziah Ibrahim with the latest ABC News.


Former Australian swimming champion Grant Hackett has made contact with his family this afternoon telling them he is safe. His family had earlier made a public appeal to help to track down the 36-year old after he checked out of a Gold Coast hotel this morning. He was arrested yesterday and then released without charge after a disturbance at his parents house.


The prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has denied reports the budget would end capital gains tax concessions on investment properties. He also used question time in parliament to attack Labor for its confusion over the cost and scope of its energy plan.


US president Donald Trump says his administration won't insist on a two-state solution to the middle-east crisis. In a departure from long-standing US policy, Mr trump signalled he would accept a one-state solution if that's what both parties want.


More than a thousand people have been evacuated and at least eleven homes destroyed by bushfires in New Zealand. A state of emergency has been declared in Christchurch as firefighters battle the blaze that has spread over more than 1,800 hectares. One pilot was killed when his helicopter crashed while he was fighting the fires.

