澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 马来西亚警方通缉4名涉刺杀金正男朝鲜嫌犯(在线收听

Hello Gemma Veness with the top stories on ABC News.


Australia's major banks are reviewing their credit card rates after ANZ broke ranks and announced a cut of up to two percent. The prime minister, who's resisting calls for a Royal Commission into financial institutions, has taken credit for the decision. Mr Turnbull says it shows coalition MPs put pressure on the big four banks during a parliamentary committee hearing late last year.


Victoria's health minister says the state government has no plans to introduce pill testing after 21 people were hospitalised from overdosing on the synthetic drug GHB at a music festival in Melbourne. Authorities say most of those people are in a critical condition.


Malaysian police are looking for four more North Korean suspects in connection with the murder of Kim Jong-Nam, the estranged half-brother of Kim Jong-Un. The four North Koreans flew out of Malaysia on the day of the killing. Two women, a North Korean man and a Malaysian man, have already been arrested.


And dignitaries and veterans have gathered in Darwin to mark 75-years since the city was bombed during World War Two. Japanese air raids on the 19th of February, 1942 killed about 240 people during the first and largest foreign attack on Australian soil.

