英国新闻听力 十二指肠旁路吻合术(在线收听



1,gastric bypass 胃旁路手术 

2,chronic adj. 慢性的,延续很长的 

3,coma n. 昏迷 

4,metabolic adj. 代谢作用的,新陈代谢的 

5,exposed to 接触 

6,drawback n. 缺点,障碍

Duodenal Bypass

CLAUDIA HAMMOND: When people have tried everything they can to lose weight, some turn to the surgeon’s knife for help. A type of gastric bypass surgery called duodenal exclusion, means that the body absorbs fewer calories from food and then people lose weight. But now a surgeon in the Italian city of Rome has found a rather different use for this kind of surgery for people with type two diabetes. This is the kind of diabetes that often starts later in life, when the body’s hormones find it hard to control sugar levels. It’s usually thought of as a chronic disease which can be managed but not cured. But then a group of surgeons and diabetes specialist got together and found that after gastric bypass surgery, the symptoms of diabetes disappeared in more than eighty percent of their patients. Our reporter in Rome, Anna Wallace, went to find out how the surgery works at the catholic University’s hospital Gemelli, there she met a patient who’s had the surgery Sonya Pierre Santini.

SONYA: (local language)

TRANSLATOR: I had a very high blood sugar levels. I went into a diabetic coma twice, and basically one morning I just woke up and I couldn’t see. It was like I was blind. But things gradually improved over about 15 to 20 days. I was suffering from diabetes though for about four years, I had to inject myself with insulin four times a day and also took a diabetes drug, but I just couldn’t control things. By that time I weighed about 98 Kilos, but I went on a diet and dropped to 92. Then I came to this hospital and they suggested I undergo this bypass surgery.

FRENCESCO: My name is Francesco Rubino. My interest is to treat metabolic diseases particularly obesity and now increasingly diabetes. So, this is a very serious disease and the opportunity that you can treat this disease effectively with an operation makes a lot of sense to me. Imagine having a patient condemned to a lifetime of medical therapy, taking pills, and in spite of that, not getting good results; as opposed to getting an operation and hopefully forget about that once and forever.

ANNA WALLACE: Why do you think surgery works in this particular case?

FRENCESCO: The anatomy of the bowels change in a way that some segments of the small bowel are no longer exposed to the passage of food. In addition to reducing the absorption of some of these nutrients, of course you reduce the stimulation that these nutrients exert in the excluded segments of the bowel. So the exclusion of some segments of the bowel may alter some gut hormones that are very important in the regulation of blood sugar. And it’s this mechanism that may be responsible for the very powerful effect you see in diabetes.

ANNA WALLACE: Using this knowledge, Francesco Rubino has been developing his own version of a duodenal bypass to specifically treat diabetes. As well as losing a significant amount of weight Sonya has not needed to take any diabetes medication or insulin since.

SONYA: (local language)

TRANSLATOR: It’s was incredible. After the surgery, my blood sugar levels dropped pretty much immediately. I’ve never need to take diabetes medication since. Even though I was slightly obese, I didn’t have the operation because of that. I had it for the diabetes because it was completely uncontrollably. But now I eat what I like, I’ve lost over 30 kilos, and I have a completely different life.

ANNA WALLACE: We’ve come into an office now, and Sonya and other patients have found that the diabetes have gone into remission within a few days of the operation. How long do you think this would last? Because she is 44 at the moment, she had the operation two years ago.

FRENCESCO: We know that in many different centers patients have been treated over the years, and those who had diabetes and it got into remission, have stayed so for 15 years or so. And usually in medicine, when we have something that works for more than 10 years it’s likely to continue to work.

ANNA WALLACE: It all sounds very positive, but obviously there are some side effects and some risk factors. Can you just run me through the downside of this?

FRENCESCO: Certainly surgery has some drawbacks. A Surgery operation by itself is an invasive procedure, there is an immediate risk of complications, but also chances of getting complications later on, which we need to assess. With Sonya, certainly with that operation there is a significant mal absorption of fat which something positive, but there is also mal absorption of nutrients which are important like vitamins, for instance. There are some other side effects having an impact on the quality of life. Let’s say, it is very important, rerouting of the intestine creates change in the kind of bacteria that naturally grow on the bowel, with a shift towards the bacteria that creates more air, so Sonya was complaining about there is distention. That’s a typical complication. That’s why we’re trying to devise new operations that try to avoid all those kinds of complications while retaining the efficiency.

CLAUDIA HAMMOND: Anna Wallace reporting from Rome. 















